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Amya fell asleep on the couch around 8pm after her and Alondra played tag and Just Dance on YouTube.  Shawn came back about an hour after to see Alondra eating on his couch while watching TV.

He looked over the couch and saw Amya knocked out cold, a stuffed animal against her chest as one hand played with her hair and a blanket covered her.  "What'd you do?  Kill her?"

"Just Dance is a great way to get kids to be quiet."

"We don't have Just Dance."

"No, but YouTube does."  Alondra stated.  "So how was it?  Everyone safe?"

"Yeah, we're cool.  I just had to meet up with Tyrone about something."  Shawn shrugged, but once he brought up the name, Alondra knew it was serious.  Tyrone was basically the leader, so when you had to talk with him, it was very serious because he usually has people handle it for him.  Shawn didn't really involve other people in that business, so Alondra didn't question it further.  "Was Maya good?"

"Yeah, but we may have, sort of, accidentally, possibly used her entire coloring book."

Shawn turned to Alondra from the kitchen and looked at her while she stared right back at him.  "We?"

"Hey, she asked me if I wanted to color in a penguin... and like 8 other animals."  Alondra justified, right before yawning.  "'kay, I'm going to my bed now."

She stood up to her feet but Shawn staring at her made her stop in confusion.  "I'll give you a ride."

"No, you have to stay with Maya.  You can't leave her alone."

"I also can't let you walk three blocks when it's almost 11pm.  You know the people in this city.  Plus, I'll only be gone like 5 minutes.  Come on."  Alondra thought about it for a second, but seeing as how Maya was passed out on the couch and how she wasn't trying to get kidnapped, she reluctantly agreed.

The two walked out, Alondra making sure Shawn locked everything, and went to his car parked right in front of the gates.  Like Shawn said, it did take him like 5 minutes.  There was only one stop sign between the apartments and her house, so when she got out, Shawn made a U-turn and went right back home. Meanwhile, Alondra went to her room and fell face down onto her bed, relishing in its comfort before flipping over because it was hurting her boobs.

× × ×

Crenshaw was having another football game, so of course the cheerleaders were there. However, halftime just ended and they were tied. "If these little bitches don't score a touchdown, I'm getting on that field myself." Serenity smiled brightly, trying to not make it obvious that she was talking in the middle of cheering.

Right beside her, Alondra was doing the chants and jumping in place. "Girl, you would fight someone for running at you." She laughed, then went right back to cheering until the routine was over. "This game is supposed to boost them to the playoffs, so if they lose, they don't really have anything to chase."

Serenity nodded, and unlike the majority of the cheerleaders, she and Alondra turned around to watch the game.  "Have you decided what you're gonna do yet?"

"Thought about it, haven't decided."  Alondra stated, earning a look from Serenity.  "Look, I don't want to live with my so-called-dad and the family he left us for, but if I go in the system, I could end up in fucking Maine or something."

"Yeah, and you'd be going to Beverly, so at least you get to hang out with Spence every day."  Serenity stated.  "Look, whatever you decide, I'm always going to be one phone call away."  Serenity stated.

"But if you live in Beverly, I expect weekly visits and mall-"

"Ren."  Serenity glanced to Alondra, then zipped her lips and putting the key in her cheer top.  " The only reason I would decide to live in Beverly, is because I will still be close to everyone.  Plus, that bitch said if I go in the system, I can't see my family until I'm 18."

"I mean, I'm not encouraging it, but like— ah shit, we gotta cheer now."

this is a v short filler, but the next chapter should be the traumatic shit 🥰 love ptsd

this is a v short filler, but the next chapter should be the traumatic shit 🥰 love ptsd

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