thirty four

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idk if i used this one yet but if i did, no i didnt

"Lily, if you don't wake up, Ruben's gonna eat the waffles I made you

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"Lily, if you don't wake up, Ruben's gonna eat the waffles I made you.  I know you don't like your mom's diet." Alondra whispered, slightly bouncing on Lily's bed to wake her up. Ever since Rachel started her Keto diet, Alondra, Ruben and Lily have been having secret meals. Armando was dealing with it and no one really knew about Madison because she still refused to be friendly with Alondra.

Lily yawned and quietly stretched before slowly opening her eyes and looking up at Alondra with her lips smacking a couple times. "Is it chocolate this time?"

"No, because I saw you eat the bag of chocolate chips on the couch yesterday. There blueberry and you better eat it before your mom finds it."

With a small huff, Lily sat up and grabbed the plate off of her nightstand.  She started eating with her eyes half open, so Alondra went back to her own room to get ready since she already gave Ruben his stack of waffles.  Honestly, the effort she put into making sure the smell woke no one up was disgusting.  As in she took everything to the pool house and left the windows and door closed.

Like every morning, Teresa FaceTimed Alondra, so while Alondra sat on her bathroom counter doing her makeup, her phone was propped up about eye level and she could see her mom, Marcos and Antonio.  "You said you slapped him, right?"

"Yes Marcos, I slapped him.  Is that the only part you care about?"

"I personally think it was the best part."  Antonio added in.  "And why are you on the counter? That's dangerous."

Over the phone, in their new Mexico house, Teresa started explaining to Antonio how girls sit on the counter, but he was a little slow. That's when Marcos peaked his head into the frame and grabbed the phone. "Did you eat breakfast? You know you don't stay awake if you don't have food."

"I made blueberry waffles, but I had to use a waffle maker because they don't have any frozen waffles I can put in a toaster."

Marcos nodded, proud that she was taking care of herself, but then again, him and Antonio get proud of her for just breathing.  "How's Armando?"  He asked the question quietly, trying not to let their mom hear because she still despises him for leaving them, more specifically for leaving the kids.

Alondra shrugged because she honestly didn't know.  She exchanged short answers with him if they were ever in the same room, and no matter how hard he tried, he wasn't getting her trust back anytime soon.  Hell, he was basically still a stranger to her.  "If you mean am I talking to him yet, no."  She stated bluntly.  "I miss you guys, I want to have sleepovers again.  And bake cookies."

"We can do all of that in December, when you come visit for winter break." Marcos reminded, upset with the fact that she was pouting and he couldn't really do anything. "Hey, did mom tell you she has a boyfriend now?"

With a loud gasp, Alondra covered her mouth, and it helped again when her mom slapped the back of Marcos' head. "Deja de mentir, Marcos. El no es mi novio."

"Londra, es un mentirosa! They went on 6 dates already." Antonio snitched, earning himself a slap to the back of his head like his older brother.

× × ×

In the gym after school, Alondra gazed up at her cheer coach with a look of pure confusion. "You want me to do what?"

The coach sighed and bent down to be at Alondra's height since she was already sitting on the mat doing a butterfly stretch. "Look, as much as I love my team, we can't match the energy levels in other schools, and I've seen what Crenshaw can do."

"Um, as much as I desperately want to make this team somewhat excited to be here, Crenshaw won't help us. The girls are my best friends, but they're also competitive. They're not gonna come here and give us tips on how to be better because then it would be easy to beat them in competitions."

Coach Chipman, or Ms. C as Alondra liked to call her, nodded in understanding. "Is there a way you can give them anything?  I mean, look at them.  They're so stiff and unorganized."  She sighed in defeat. "How do you do it?"

"Uh, I'm latina, all of our dances have some type of hip movement." Plus she was convinced half the team was on coke and/or only joined for the "class status" and popularity. "Honestly, I don't know how half the team made it, but that's none of my business."

From behind the two came a scoff which made Ms. C straighten up like she wasn't just about to agree with Alondra.  "We're here because we earned it."

"You're also stiff as hell and I don't know much about extensions, but I'm pretty sure the little clip in isn't supposed to be visible."

"Also, technically there weren't enough girls that tried out, so no one was cut."  Ms. C butted in, making the team captain, Katie, shoot her head over.  "Anyways, should we take a field trip or have Alondra's friends come here tomorrow?"

yall i underestimated how big the house was like this bitch got a separate tennis court 😭🤚🏽 makes the Bakers look broke tbh

there was a part i wanted to add into the last chapter bc i thought it would be funny, but I forgot about it until halfway into this chapter😭😭

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there was a part i wanted to add into the last chapter bc i thought it would be funny, but I forgot about it until halfway into this chapter😭😭

there was a part i wanted to add into the last chapter bc i thought it would be funny, but I forgot about it until halfway into this chapter😭😭

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