Comet vs. Echo Creek

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hi everyone I'm back, I'm not dead XD. sorry for the long wait right now I'm on virtual class with the camera on XD but it word (?)it.

also, I got a discord server where you can actually you can join to talk about the progress of this book here:

I don't know if you can actually join it in here.

season 2 episode 4 part 1


At Britta's Tacos, _____, Comet and Marco are having lunch. "Huh. Authentic Mexican horchata isn't supposed to have dairy in it." Marco comment after slurping his drink " I like it tho" ____ said eating her burrito. "So what? It isn't illegal to make horchatas with milk." Comet said poring all the container of sugar as _____ look at the burrito of Comet there was a mountain of sugar on it "Are you sugaring your burrito? "Marco ask "you're going to get a sugar high Comet"_____ try to warn him but "Food is anarchy dude. Live by your own rules" Comet takes a bites, Marco lot disgusted and turn his head and ______ was scared remembering the day Comet had a sugar high back in mewni "Want some?" Comet said still holding his burrito on his leaf hand and the shaker were there was sugar to Marco "Keep your sacrilege off my taco!" Marco said grabbing his taco away from the Comet reach "___-" Comet couldn't finish as ______ said 'no 'faster before he could finish, Comet shrug before dumping the sugar inside the shaker to his mouth and taking another bite of his burrito then there were swirl on his eyes.

"Whoo! Do I feel alive!" Comet said and bounces up and down vigorously "You sure you don't want a bite?" Comet said ______ was already hiding under the table before she got a call from Jake, Jakie's older brother "hello?" _____ said answering the phone not noticing that Comet was casting spell and Marco was just sitting as Comet goes through his sugar high "hey (nickname)"

"(Nickname)?" ______ said confuse about the name given "yeah (nickname) I can call you that right?" Jake said "if not I-"Jake didn't get to finish his sentence "oh no no no it ok, it fine, I don't mind" ______ said as she look to see where Comet and Marco were only to see crush a police cruiser by the Taco sign "hey Jake call you later" ____ said "wait (nickn-"Jake didn't finish as ____ hang up the call "....what just happened?" _____ said looking at the crash police car "hey kid did you see anyone who sis this?" a police cop came, but it only made _____ confuse "I'm sorry? I don't know?" _____ said still confuse "hmm.....alright tell us if there anyone suspicious" the cop said and walk away "......that was a strange way to you know what never mind"______ said and walk away from the scene "now where are they" ______ mumble to herself not looking where she was walking and crash into someone.

"ow sorry wait Jake?" _____ look to see who she crash into and saw Jake. "hey (nickname) sorry to crash into you, here let me help you "Jake extend his hand for ___ to grab and lift her up the ground "sorry about what happened right now I wasn't looking were I was going" _____ said "no it alright I wasn't looking too" Jake said, there was an awkward but _______ broke it "sooooo why are you here?" ______ ask tilting her head to the side making Jake blush as how look she look (I'm having anime vied here, and I'm on virtual class with the camera on, I think it make look weird XD).

"Oh well I was wondering if you want to hang out with me?" Jake said making _____ be confuse "why?" _____ ask "I want to get to know you more after Bryce party but couldn't since my little sis drag me off so what do you say?" Jake said (I'm still having anime vibes hElP).

"But I have to look for Comet and Marco?" ____ said but it came more like a question "you didn't say brother like you use to why that?" Jake said "well-"______ didn't finish as Jake cut her off "sorry for interrupt but what if you explain and tell me while we hang out? How about that? Sorry if it came out rude" Jake said scratching him neck "oh no no sure" ______ said as they walk to a park to talk about what have been happening lately with each other sometimes laughing at their story.

"I can believe that you and Comet are not really related" Jake said looking at sunset "yeah"_____ said "How are you feeling taking up the news I mean?" Jake comment "it confusing I know my parents I think but why did Comet mom keep it hiding it from me" _____ sigh still sad "hey don't look down, it may be that they wanted to protect you" Jake said ".....but why can they say about my real parents? Why-"Jake hush ______ making her look at him "hey hey it alright, don't think about it, it was for the good right?" Jake said but it only made _____ look deep in thought "(nickn-" "no no it alright just forget it maybe we should go back" _____ said wiping her tears that were almost coming out.

"Before we go can I walk you back home?"(Is there actually a right term for that?) Jake said standing up and extent his hand for _____ to take with she gladly took, both of them walk back to ______ home at the Diaz's household "thank you for walking me back home Jake" ______ said looking at Jake "your welcome, well bye I have to go now Jackie is kind of looking for me right now "Jake said as his phone just turn off "wait!" ______ said before she give him a kiss on the cheek making Jake blush "well bye and thank you again" _____ said and walk inside the house and close the door.

Jake fluster he went back home but not before texting his sister 'I got to tell you something'. Back with ______ inside the house Marco's parent were looking with an actually I don't know how to describe it? "What?"_____ ask but they just shake their head "oh no no nothing" they both said. "Ok? I'll be in my part of my room" ____ point out and walk upstairs and push the door to her share room with Comet, walk another pair of stair to her part of the room and fall to her bed. "What a tiring day" _____ sigh but then the magic book that was down her bed started to bump into her legs "what now?" ______ said grabbing the magic book and putting it on her bed "Glossaryck?" _____ ask the book skip through pages and there on the middle of the page came Glossaryck "yes your hightness?" Glossaruck bows to ______ as she look at him annoyed but she shook it off "Do you know something about my......parents?" _____ whister still unsure about the secrets that queen Moon was hiding from her. "Your parents....hmmmm" Glossaryck floats and shows the pages as they stipe through pages till landing on the chapter of...."Eclipsa" _____ look at Glassaryck to confirm only to get a nob from him.

"so....My mother is Eclipsa (I don't think I said or mention her right and if I did forhive me, but all of you who thought it was Eclipsa ding ding ding you were right) Queen of darkness and......" ______ look down at the magic spell book "yes" Glossaryck said without gesitation. "I-I understand" _______ said.

"I have a feeling I forgot something" _______ said thinking. Back with Marco and Comet, Comet is sentenced to some community service of washing police cars after admitting that he was the one that destroy the car but didn't went to jail. "Wait I forgot to look for them"_____ said grabing her phone that was in the nightstand dialing Marco number "he-""Marco where are you and Comet!"____ said quickly "oh _____ and Comet (?) are back at Britta's Tacos, Comet is sentenced to some community service of washing police cars right now" Marco said "oh ok wait what?!" ______ said "yeah long story" Marco said scratching his cheek.

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