Cheer Up comet and (Y/N)

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Season 1 episode 4 part 1


"Cupcake blast!" _____fires upon the monsters with cupcake projectiles. One of the monsters cuts off the head of a coyote sculpture. Comet ,_____ and Marco run into a backyard shed as monsters  follow.ludo's army run toward the shed. Cut to the shed's interior. Comet and ____ uses there wands to brighten the shed, and Marco locks the door as the monsters try to break it down.While taking cover from Ludo's minions inside a shed, Marco nervously admits being the one responsible for these monsters attacking them while building some armor. Flashback to Marco trying to catch up with a moving school bus  Inside the bus, _____ opens a window. "Look at you, jogging to school. In the zone."_____ said before comet that was beside her closes her window. The bus comes to a stop, and Marco runs into the bus's "Stop" sign.He falls on the ground. The bus driver opens the door.Marco groans and sits up. The bus door closes on his hood, and the bus starts moving again, pulling him along As Marco jumps over a speed bump, his hoodie rips, and he crashes into a pile of garbage.Marco emerges from the garbage with a black eye. A guy on a bicycle rides up next to him.The guy points at Marco's exposed shirt. The shirt depicts Marco kissing a ninja with the caption "I KISSED A NINJA AT KARATEKON 2012".Marco covers his shirt with a newspaper and runs away. The guy on the bike suddenly stops laughing and rides away off-screen. Marco runs up to the school and opens his black eye.

At Echo creek Acadamy
Jeremy appears behind Marco. "Well, well, well. Marco Diaz."jeremy said "Not today, Jeremy."marco said anoyed then _____ came to marco "hey marco"_____ said "hey ___~"jeremy said "oh hello jeremy I didn't know you will remenber me"____ said to jeremy "why would I forget my girlfriend~"jeremy said "what?"marco and ____ said confuse "yes marco my girlfriend"jeremy said before holding ____ hand "anyway
I came to give you a black eye for picture day, but apparently, there's no need."jeremy said to marco "I said not today!"marco yell then stomps his foot down, breaking Jackie lynn thomas 's skateboard in half."I think my work here is done."he said smirking at marco.

Marco felt so miserable that comet and ____tried everything to cheer him up. Moustaches and juggling laser puppies did not seem to work until they finally made him laugh after getting comet trapped inside a giant, transparent fish.

Flashback to Marco on the living room couch looking depressed. Comet appears from behind the couch wearing a large mustache.____ and comet juggles the laser puppies and nearly drops them. Comet pulls a large fish out of a hat.The fish swallows comet's head.comet runs around the room and trips. The fish swallows him whole.

Present day

"And then, you two met Oskar and Olive."
Marco said to comet and _____ Flashback to Echo Creek Academy hallway. Dissonant keyboard sounds fill the air. Comet and ____ looks wide-eyed at something. They pulls principal Skeeves   in from of them"Skeeves. Who is that fresh of breath air?"comet ask the principal while Oskar and Oliver sits on the car playing there keytar discordantly as students around them cover their ears."Oh, those degenerate is Oskar Greason and Olive. I'd stay away if I were you. Those two has a record. "Ohhhh, a record..."_____ said the two of them sneaks up to Oskar's and Olive car. They smiles at them as they play. Both olive and oskar presses a button on his keytar to produce a rhythmic percussive beat.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah
My car is a flying snail
Let's ride him far away, yeah
To mermaid pools filled with puppies' drool
And centaurs pulling candy sleighs
Ah, ah, ah, ah"olive and oskar sing together

on that day before the monsters attacked, comet and ____ met a boy named Oskar and a girl name olive, whom they immediately became infatuated with. Comet and ____ gave them there phone number and went hometo wait for there call. They waited and waited for Oskar and olive to call but by the time it got dark they never did, leaving them  upset. Marco could not help feeling sorry for comet and ____so he decided to cheer them  up in return for cheering him up. He tried dressing up as a clown, but ended up scaring ____, then attempted to pull off a dangerous stunt that failed horribly, which only frustrated them. Then noticing there Wand, he decided the best way to cheer them up was to get them to fight monsters. Using there wand as bait, he lured a member of Ludo's army to come to Earth and fight comet and ____. However, he also accidentally lured in Ludo and more of his army, including unfamiliar, larger monsters.

"So you brought these monsters here to cheer us up?"comet said "Yeah... I just didn't expect so many."marco explained to comet and ____ then he puts a bucket on ____'s head. "But don't worry. This armor will hold them off."marco said try ro reason with them .Marco, comet and _____ are dressed in crudely-made battle armor. The shed's roof is suddenly ripped away, and Man Arm's arm reaches inside to grab Marco.Man Arm holds Marco in one hand while Ludo and his army surround him.Comet and ____ frees him and the three friends return to fighting Ludo's minions. Already comet and ____ feels a lot better and no longer cares if Oskar and olive calls them or not.But as they speaks, comet and ____ receives, much to there joy, a call from Oskar.

"Space unicorn, soaring through the stars
Delivering the rainbows all around the world..."the ringtone of both twing ring
"Ugh, what is that terrible ringtone?"luso said not liking the ringtone "It's Oskar! And olive"_____ and comet said "Well, talk to them."said marco encouraging the twins to yalk to oskar and olive

As they tries to talk to them while fighting, but after being roared in the face _____ and comet puts them on hold and angrily blasts Ludo and all his minions with a tsunami of syrup. With all the monsters beaten, comet and ____ goes back to talking to Oskar and olibe  after saying goodbye, they thanks Marco for cheering her up and gives him a hug. Unfortunately, because Marco is covered from head to toe in sticky syrup, comet and ____ ends up stuck to him.The bicycle guy from earlier rides up next to them."Whoa..."He suddenly stops laughing and rides away. Marco and comet look to the each other with a burning fealing inside there chest.

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