Storm the Castle part 1

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Season 1 Episode 13 


The Chapter begins At a strange Cave, Comet is looking down a tube, searching for something and ________is looking at the tube "Mmm... Some of these have sandwiches in them" Comet said to Marco and ______ without looking them and putting his arm inside one of the multiple tubes of the structure "Oh, don't put your hand in there." Marco said but Comet reaches for the sandwich, but cannot grab it as it is just out of his reach "Are you sure this is safe?" Marco asks and turns to _______ " We never said that." _______ said As Comet is trying to reach the sandwich again "Come on"Comet whisper to himself "you try. Marco" Marco said to himself then he remembers his last arm adventure "Uhhh, No." Marco said "Suit yourself..." Comet said Unbothered Suddenly, Comet is sucked inside of one of the tubes "I gotcha! I gotcha!" ________ said trying to pull Comet out but suddenly ______ started to feel sleepy and somehow fall sleep but Comet manages to break free and grab the sandwich, but before the can say anything, all the tubes of the structure start expelling steam, which throwsComet, ______ and Marco away _________ on Marco hand as Marco blush and put her on his back. the thing reveals itself to be an animal, which then chases Comet and Marco (with _______ on his back) out of the cave and down the tall tree where it was located. Marco (still with _______ on his back) then tries to climb down the tree slowly by the branches.

"Let me just, hang o--!!" Comet then pushes Marco off the treetop which sends them into a freefall. To survive the fall, Comet casts a spell that softens the landing, but launches him and Marco very far away, straight into some tree vines. The monster also survives the fall and doesn't lose any time in the chase, while Marco and Comet are stuck in the vines and apparently ______ fell from Marco back and is on the floor " Comet, we better get ou--COMET!, We gotta get out of here!" Marco shot as he sees the monster approaching "COMET! Pay attention! _______! is in dangare "Just a little closer..." Comet said Trying to reach the sandwich. Marco, frustrated, manages to get free from the vines and reach _____'s dimensional scissors and lift ______ on bridal style, with ______, on one hand, he use the other with the dimensional scissors and uses to cut the vines and open a portal to the Earth Dimension later Marco then pulls Comet into the Dimensional Portal, but he is only able to retrieve one half of the sandwich before the monster arrives. After the jump, they appear in the middle of the hallway upstairs Marco leaves _______ to rest her back on the wall while she is unconscious somehow.

"I had it in my hands, Marco." Comet said Referring to the Sandwich before continuing "I have no idea what you were thinking. " Comet said and gets up and walks away "I was thinking of not dying!" Marco said as he approaches Comet Suddenly, a green arm comes out from the portal and grabs Marco's leg. He fights it off with a flower pot and closes the portal "We went through all that trouble and this sad little scrap of the sandwich is all we have to show for it!" Comet said angrily "That's because it's not worth dying for a stupid piece of food! " Marco said and slap the sandwich out of Comet's hand and into the wall, where flies gather around it "Ah, I'm going to my room but first I will leave _____ on her room." Marco lift ______ and went to her room that she shares with Comet put her on her bed and walks out "I hate when you act like this. It makes me wonder why we're even friends and why ______is friend with you. " Comet said and Scrapes the Sandwich off the wall with the hand "Ugh, where did all these flies come from?" Comet said but Marco, angry at Comet's overreaction, slams the door to his room. Comet also goes to her room, where he jumps on his bed and screams into his pillow, then falls asleep

"Don't call me Dragonflup..." Comet wakes up at midnight and sees the Sandwich on his desk. he eats some of it "So good... " Comet said while eating the sandwich a photo of Comet,_______ and Marco falls from the corner of his mirror. he looks at it and decides to go apologies to him but then when he went to _______ she wasn't in her bed " strange...." Comet whispers an look at the bed suspiciously and then remembering in what he was going to do he went to Marco rooms "Marco... I'm sorry. I was a jerk, it's just I really wanted you to try this sandwich! It's kinda smashed and dirty, but it's still delicious!" Comet said while Knocking at Marco's door then Marco's door opens and Comet looks inside, but Marco isn't there "Marco? Hm, No Marco...or _______....." Comet then goes to the stairs and screams "

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