Comet and _______ on wheels part 2

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"♪ Got sloppy hot rhymes like a meatball sub. Little book dude, he is my bud. Drivin' through signs 'cause we doin' our thing. Marco lookin' chill like he relaxing ♫"Oskar sings not noticing at the things he's crashing through "Oskar, could you maybe be looking at the road?" Marco said frustrated "Oh, you are just so cute. ra-ra-ra-ra-rawr. Woof. Okay, Dada doesn't have time to play. Shoo, shoo." Comet said at some barking dogs as ______ look ahead "Uh, I'm out of rhymes. Wiggly fan man, take the mic." Oliver said wiggly fan man ripples in the wind"Great song. Number one hit. Now can we just get focused on Comet getting his wand back? and getting back _____ safety " Marco said looking at Oskar "I'm with you man, but I don't think we can get to them before the..." Oskar said calmly "Sinkhole?" Comet and ____ said looking ahead "A sinkhole⁈" Marco panics as _____ and Comet falls screaming but ____ determined begins flapping her wings to avoid crashing since her were a little bigger than Comets ones "Good work, ______!." Comet said as The dogs pursuing their fall into the sinkhole."If only those dogs had been wearing helmets." Marco said with his hand on his forehead looking at the window from the car sit "Wish we had some." Oliver said Marco, Oliver, Oskar, and Glossaryck scream as the vehicle flies over the sinkhole, safely landing on the other side.Comet,_______, pedal in reverse. It will work. Trust me." Marco shouts behind them "I don't trust you anymore, Marco Diaz. Besides, I'm moving forward. Pedaling backward doesn't make any sense." Comet said as he was sitting on the sit we somehow ______ is there to "_____?" Marco ask "....I'm on Comet this one I don't know how it work remember that I couldn't do it," ______ said then she got an idea and with her dimensional scissor that is surprisingly still with her open a portal and quickly grab the book that fell and close the portal "I know just how They feels 'cause I can't stop either. The brakes are out. The steering wheel too." Oskar sai pointing at the brakes and steering wheel came off "Whaaat!" The speeds up "Everybody lean!"Marco forces everyone to the left side of the car, causing it to serve and not hit Comet and ______. "Cuddle puddle." Oliver said when Marco grabs Gene now they are beside Comet and ______ "Comet,______, " Marco holds out backpack "quick, the wand. Use your magic." Marco said ____ snap out of her reading instruction book "What?" ______ sees Oskar, stops paying attention same with Comet but this time Oliver "Oskar!/Oliver!" They both said "Comet,______ wait. Your wand " Marco said but then gasps.

The car hits a dirt ramp and flies over a factory smokestack."Total eclipse!" Oskar and Oliver said
It crashes down on the street. Marco gasp "

Marco!!" "____, Comet!" Comet and ________ shrieks, as large truck barley, miss them "I should've never let go of Comet seat." Marco said"Okay, no more kidding around. This calls for magic. " Glossaryck chants and stomach growl "Uh... which is what I'd do if I hadn't eaten that... ooh... that meatball sub" Glossaryck said."Word" Oliver groans beside Oskar"Okay, it's up to you, Marco. Give Comet wand to him, and try to snap _____ from reading and save their life." Glossaryck said besides Marco "How? The car's wrecked." Marco said angrily "Ride the invisible goats, of course. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna be sick " Glossaryck said and vomits Marco angrily stammers "For the last time, there are no giant invisible goats." Marco said again angrily "Sure there are; you just need to believe. If you want to save Comet and ______, trust in goats" Glossaryck said before he vomits again ."Fine. If it saves _____ and Comet, I'll believe." Marco said "Believe, believe, believe, believe, believe!" Oskar, Oliver and Glossaryck chant.

Marco trust falls off the car wreckage and lands on an invisible goat as somehow the goat bleats."I'm on an invisible goat! " Marco laughs "Okay goat, tally" goat takes off "whoa!! Whoa!"
The goat tramples through the street, smashing several cars, successfully catching up with Comet and _____ "Comet, take the wand and ______ snap out of it!" Marco said with Comet backpack."Marco, you're my hero... who I'm still upset with for lying to me about holding Comet seat."_____ said making Marco blush "Come on, give me one more chance. Hurry!" Marco said then an oncoming car causes the goat to swerve, and Marco drops the wand."Aah!" Marco yell "Help, help, help! "Comet screams and the goat bleats"You're gonna have to stop the bike by yourself. Pedal in reverse." Marco said "We told you, that is not how we do things on Mewni." Comet said as he holds onto the seat while ______ hug him "You're not on Mewni anymore, Comet, ______, and if I can believe in an invisible goat, then you can stop that bike. " Marco said and grabs seat "I got you. Trust me." Marco said making ______ look up "Thanks, Marco. But you believing in me is all I need._____" Comet said and lets Marco let the seat go, nob to _____ she nobs back she jumps out of the seat and summoned her skateboard and land on it while Comet pushes back on the pedals, screeching to a stop with ______ making her skate stop and stoping by Comet side "_____, Comet!" Marco said and the goat blats "I was so worried about you." Marco said moving close to ______ and hug her while Comet looks angrily but keep his cool down "Marco, you were right. I can ride a bike. And I am awesome at it." Comet said smiling making _____ smile "How about Mysterious Sonograms? That's a good band name." Oliver said to Glossaryck "Hmm, but does it match our sound?" Glossaryck said back "Hey Oliver, I'm really sorry about your car, but if you want, I can give you a ride home on my bike." Comet said to Oliver "Cool. Hey Glossaryck, hop on oh yeah Gene, hop on _____ Oskar you too." Oliver said making ______ blush as Oskar came to _______ on her skateboard "Safety first" Comet creates a helmet with his wand "Marco, you coming?" _____ ask as she straps the helmet on "No thanks _____, Comet I'll take the goat." Marco then whisper, "Believe" but falls face-first on to the ground "Oh Marco, the goat left long ago, " Glossaryck said laughing making Marco groan.

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