Ludo on the wild

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This chapter will be a little more focused on Ludo on the wild and his adventure on what is happening if you do not wish to not read this chapter then please wait till the next chapter is finally published.

you are been warm

season 2 epidode 1 part 2


On the last time of Ludo adventure/Life...

"Where is my castle?" Ludo asks "It's gone." Comet said

"And where is your wand?"

"That's gone too."

"Everything...? WE ARE NO LONGER FRIENDS!" Ludo screams "We never were friends--" Comet said "You are now my mortal enemy! " Ludo said and takes out a pair of black dimensional scissors "This day I vow--" ______ having enough takes the scissors, opens a portal to an unknown place, throws Ludo in, and closes the portal

Day 1

Ludo drifts through empty space alone."Adrift in the universe that is infinitely expanding. Toward nothing... away from nothing. A passage of time marked by age. Marked by hunger of the spirit. And hunger of the body. Alone. Infinitely... " Suddenly Ludo drifts by a bag of Gold'n Crispz "Chips! Food! " Ludo said straining "Come back." Ludo is hit then hit by a flaming green projectile. He screams while being thrown into another portal, dumping him into a pile of leaves in a forest.Water falls on him as it begins to rain. "Ow! Dirt... ow! In my eye!" Ludo begins running " The sky is throwing water at my face." Ludo said to himself but suddenly he slips on mud and stars sliding down a hill. The bag of Gold'n Cripz also slides down the hill." My chips! Can I please..." Ludo crashes into a tree, and the tree falls into a puddle. Ludo gasps and moans while washing ashore, his stomach rumbling. A fish leaps out of the puddle. "Sushi. Sushi come back. I want my sushi." A bird regurgitates food to its hatchlings in a tree. Ludo climbs into the nest, kicking out a hatchling. "Excuse me, brother." Ludo opens his mouth like a bird, and groans for food "Lunch over?" The bird grabs Ludo, flies him high up into the sky, and drops him.

"You never loved me!" Ludo screams and crashes into the same muddy slope "Not this again, whoa!" Ludo screams again and then is thrown back onto the tree and into the puddle, again washing onto the shore. His eggshell breaks, revealing his underwear. He stammers while the hatchling from the nest squeaks. The mother bird grabs him again."No, no. Whoa-oa! Please don't let me go." The bird drops him again. Ludo lands on a spider web. He struggles against the web." Don't fight it bro. You're stuck. Just let it happen." A trapped fly said and Ludo continues to struggle as snow begins to fall. "Snow!" Ludo cry "Snow." A spider appears and jumps on Ludo to eat him."No, no." The spider spits out the taste "You taste bad. Never mind. I'll shut up." The trapped Fly laughs and cuts Ludo out of the web, and he falls into the snow. The spider begins eating the fly. "Oh, that's horrible. " A piece of the fly falls into his mouth " Mmm. Tastes pretty good. " Ludo jump (Wait a moment its that like Canabalises or something!!!) up to catch the reaming bits falling from the web " More please, please, please, please."The spider smacks him, he groans, and his stomach continues to rumble.

Day 37 (that was fast)

Ludo wakes up, covered in snow with a long gray beard."How long have I been asleep?" Ludo said (for me you look to be that you sleep for 37 days that long) The spider jumps on top of him, its stomach also rumbling. Ludo follows the spider as it crosses the field of snow. Both creatures struggle to stay on top of the snow. The spider crosses a log, ties a thread to it, and descends down the river below."Where are you going?" Ludo ties himself a bungee chord from the spider's extra threads, breathes, and jumps down, only to crash headfirst on the ice "Ow!"The spider cuts a hole in the ice and pulls in a net of fish using its silk. Inspired by this, Ludo also cuts a hole in the ice and catches a single fish with his beard. "He he he he. Gotcha!"The spider comes over, eats half of Ludo's fish, and spits out the second half which Ludo eats. The scene changes to the spider dragging its net of fish back to its lair. Ludo crawls behind muttering to himself. He tries to follow the spider inside, but the spider pushes him back out. Ludo makes himself a blanket of snow."Selfish." Ludo said as some snow from a tree falls, landing right next to the bag of Gold'n Crispz half-buried in the snow. Ludo sprints after them."No, no, yes yes." As Ludo stumbles through the snow, the spider swings above and snatches them right as Ludo reaches the bag.

"My chips! My chips!" Ludo said and the Pider High pitched shriek and runs inside the cave "Big mistake."Ludo rips off a piece of the spider web. The spider stars eating the bag of chips inside while Ludo dangles in from above wrapped in a cocoon of silk. When the cocoon reaches eye level, Ludo pounces."Ahhhh!" Ludo jumps to the spider's web "Come and get me."The spider wraps the chips in silk and then attacks Ludo. The spider pins Ludo to the ground. Ludo stars throwing smaller bugs at the spider's face. He jumps on top of the spider, shaking his beard in its face. The spider starts punching him. While Ludo takes quite a beating from the spider, a cockroach picks up some of the fallen chips. Ludo begins to successfully dodge some attacks

"Ya-ha. Uh-oh." The fight moves onto the spider web. Ludo goes on the defense, but the spider catches him and sticks him onto a web on the ceiling. With Ludo tied up, the spider approaches for the kill."Look out below." Ludo said and the web collapses, and Ludo triumphantly lands on top of the spider. "I win, and to the victor the spoils." Ludo uses the spider's abdomen to deploy the spider's silk, which grabs the chips for Ludo. He begins devouring them. The spider moves around to eat the falling crumbs, moving Ludo in the process."Hmm?"Ludo throws a chip on the ground in front of the spider. The spider moves to eat it. "Hmm."Ludo keeps throwing chips in front of the spider, riding it out of the cave."He he he. Go get it."

Day 65

Ludo rides the spider through the woods. He now has reigns to control the spider's movements. Together they approach the river to fish, though the spider does the actual fishing. "Keep it coming. Good. Whoa. That's enough."Ludo bites into a fish while the spider tries to take it from him. "You'll get the scraps later," Ludo said but The bird from earlier shrieks overhead. "It's time."The scene changes. The bird continues to fly, passing Ludo and spider on top of a tree. The bird turns back around to look at them "Hi" Ludo said as the spider deploys its web, and the screen goes black.

Day 90

The three creatures are gathered around a fire, cooking fish."Nature is a cruel mother and favors the merciless. And so, in order to survive, Ludo in the wild must find the wild in Ludo. "Hey Ludo"_______ said appearing out of nowhere " Hi." Ludo said startled, ______ runs away "No, no, no. Find somebody else to..." Ludo screams "get the wand!" Ludo beings chasing ______ "It's mine. It will be mine. YOU will be mine" Ludo whistles " Arachnid!" _______ jumps very far into the air. "Bird!" Ludo grabs onto bird, and the three collectively fly to ______ and pounce on her, but she somehow disappears. "Oh, no. No, no no! Where'd she go? No!! Cruel vision."He then notices a glowing light under the snow, and he digs it out to reveal a wand. He grabs it, only to look up and see a familiar castle. "I'm on Mewni. " Ludo said looking at his surroundings.

Day 90 (wait let me change that) Day 1


Sorry if it was more focus on Ludo but I already warm you, it will be more focus on Ludo and his Life and adventure.

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