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This had to have been a dream.

Sam couldn't believe that he was packing his and Luke's suitcases so they fouled stay over at such a hot guy's house.

In a few hours, he would make his way on over there and who knows how long for. He doesn't really wanna be a bother so he hopes he finds a job soon while he is over there.

Maybe he could also claim a boyfriend while he was over there but Sam feels like he's asking for too much now. Though, he can't help but think that he wants that.

Overtime, Sam thought that he was ready to actually be in a relationship. Now they'd still have to take it slow but at least it's a step further.

"Where we going Daddy?" Luke peeked into his dad's bedroom, wondering or not if he should enter all the way in or not. He decided to after Sam held his arms out to pick Luke up.

"We're going to stay with this guy named Colby until I can find a job again, okay?" Luke nodded, not quite understanding who he was talking about or what was going on. As long as he was with his daddy, he'd be completely okay.

Hearing his phone go off, while still holding Luke, he went to grab it and saw a text from Colby telling him his address whenever he's ready to make his way over.

He responded with a 'thank you, see you in a bit' and turned his phone off ready to make his way to this guy's house not knowing what was in store for him.

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