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2 years after birth

Dropping Luke off to daycare wasn't his most favorite part of his day. He never liked to be separated from his baby, but he can't just skip his work, it pays well for Sam to support the two of them.

"I'll see you in a few hours Lukey. I love you" Sam said, kissing Luke's forehead goodbye.

Luke ran to go play with the other kids which brought a smile to Sam's face. Good to know that he is having fun here.

As for Sam, he made his way to work like he does everyday. Entering the building, waving at his co-workers. Everything was perfect for him. Until he got a phone call from his boss saying he needed him in his office.

Knowing Sam, he got nervous as soon as those words left his mouth. He didn't know what they would be. It could be bad news or it could be good news. He sure hopes it was good news.


"You called?" Sam entered his boss's office, taking a seat as he was told to do a few seconds later.

"Yes. I have some news, and I'll just say it now. It's not gonna be good." He chuckled at that but regained his poster.

Worry soon filled Sam's body even more than there was before. Wonderful. Just wonderful.

"Well. I'm firing you" Sam just say there with no emotions. What was he supposed to think? This was the one thing that was helping him pay for his family and now that he's fired, how is he going to pay for it all?

"What? Why?" Sam couldn't help but let out a few tears.

"Your work efficiency isn't quite, the greatest anymore." Sam's emotions got the best of him and he stood up, ready to yell at the man.

"I try my hardest every damn day with this job because I have an apartment to pay for along with a kid! I don't have anyone else to help me through this besides my mother!" Sam was furious at this point, tears still running down his face. He knows that now that if he even tried, he would never get this job back.

"Ain't my fault your kids dad left. I mean, you were what? 17 when you had sex and found out you were pregnant?"

"That was not sex! That was rape and you know that!" Sam remarked. He was about to storm out and never step foot into that office again. Or ever talk to this man again. Sam was done with it all and was making his way to the exit.

"Whatever you say. That kid was a mistake anyways." Sam turned his head around, done with it all. He harshly slapped the guy and ran.

"Luke was not a mistake." And with that, Sam was out of the building.

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