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7 months before birth

"I'm pregnant"

Everything went quiet expect for some of the sniffles coming from Sam.

After realizing there had been silence for quite some time now, Sam bursted into more tears, looking down and hiding his stomach in shame.

That shame was soon filled with relief as his mom comforted him more.

"It's okay honey. Everything will be alright. It's okay." Bringing Sam back into the embrace, she rubbed through his hair at a calming pace, trying to get him to relax.

They stayed like that for a good five minutes, words of reassurance and small sobs coming from the blondes mouth were the only sounds in the room. That was until the question Sam dreaded the most was asked.

"Does Andrew know?"

Sam couldn't even imagine telling Andrew that he was pregnant. He knows that's it's Andrews baby because this was the first time he's ever had sex.

No matter what happens between the two of them, Sam would take care
of this baby like his life depends on it.

"How about you give him a call?" Sam sighed as this was supposed to happen sooner or later.

Their relationship hasn't gotten any better since the incident.

"I can't. He's going to try and hurt not just me but my kid inside of me" Sam was quick to hug his mom again.

"It'll be better if you do it now"


"So Sam, what could you possibly want that's so important?" Sam slightly flinched at the sharp sudden tone he heard from behind him

"How many times have I told you to stop fucking flinching?" He yells matter of factly.

"S-sorry." Andrew just scoffed, rolling his eyes as he also told Sam to stop with the so called stupid annoying stuttering. No one has ever seen that as a problem but have deep concern as where it all originated from.

Sam could see the look in Andrews eyes as to keep going on with the conversation as if the yelling had not happened. He hesitated before finally giving in and telling the truth

"T-the one time y-you were o-over when my parents weren't home, t-that was t-the night you got me p-pregnant." Time felt as if it froze, no sudden movements just tense breathing heard from Andrew.

"Get rid of it."


"I said get rid of the damn thing! I ain't raising a kid! I don't care what you do with it but I don't want to any have interaction with it. It's a stupid mistake Sam!" Tears silently fell down the blondes now red cheeks

"I should have at least some say in it..." He mumbled but now seeing as that was a bad idea.

Sam received a good punch to the stomach and as reflex he grabbed it to not just protect himself but the life that has been living in him for three months.

"A-Andrew please"

"What? You want me to stop huh? You seem to be telling me to stop a lot lately sweetheart. I don't see why you'd want to keep the kid!" A fist was thrown back but Sam felt nothing as he could see his mother pulling Andrew off the poor blonde.

"I want you out of my house now!"

Andrew regained his posture after quickly nodding, getting more nervous in her presence.

"I just want you to know Sam, if you end up keeping that thing, we're through."

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