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"I can't do it anymore!" Sam yelled as he uncomfortably pushed a baby out of his ass.

"You're almost there honey" What Sam hoped was his boyfriend but no, it was his mother here at the hospital giving all the words of encouragement to her son.

Sam felt real embarrassed at first that his mother would be seeing him give birth. But that was of course before the labor.

At this point he didn't care who saw him. All he wanted was to have his newborn in his arms.

Giving another strong push, the shoulders popping out along with a loud glass breaking scream coming from the blonde.

"Get it outta me!" Sam pushed with all his power, gripping his mothers hand that it started to turn colors. Sam didn't realize he was doing this as he was too occupied with something else. His mother wasn't minding cause she went through this exact pain with Sam.

Sam let out small pants. The baby was almost there and a few pushes would do the trick. He felt like he had no energy left to push the rest of the baby but with the help of the doctors and himself, as best as he could, the baby was out.

Sam slouched back against the bed free from all the pain. He couldn't imagine giving birth ever again with all of that pain.

The baby was soon enough placed into the blondes arms after being cleaned up.

Tears were shed from the blonde as he looked at his newborn son finally in his loving arms.

These nine months that the blonde had to go through were not the greatest but now it seemed all worth it.

"Your finally here sweetheart." He felt a kiss on his forehead from his mother. Looking over at her, there were also tears on her face from seeing her now grandson.

"He looks so much like him already." Sam took notice in all of the babies features. He knew in the future the little guy would look so much like his father. Even though it makes the blonde a bit nervous, he is still going to love and care for his child no matter what he looks like.

"I promise nothing will happen to you." He whispered to the baby.


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