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9 months before birth

"Have fun on your date!" Sam waved his parents farewell as the sound of the front door being shut and a thud into the wall, frightening the blonde.

"Now that they're gone, we can have our own fun." Hands seductively roamed around the blondes chest under the t-shirt he was wearing. His breath hitches and let out little whimpers not of pleasure but of shock and distress.

Andrew's hands forcefully made its way to hold Sam's neck with a tight grip, pulling is head upwards. Tightly closing his eyes was the only way Sam felt safe in this situation.

"What are you doing?" Sam let out in quickened breaths. All that appeared was a wicked smirk on Andrews face. Dragging his arms up the blondes chest, he shushed the boy with the hand he wasn't using to palm himself with over his mouth.

"Be quiet and it'll be easier for all of us." By then, Sam found himself being pushed into his bed, only in his boxers, and he felt absolutely exposed.

"I thought we agreed we'd do it when we're both ready." Sam shakes with fear as a belt is undone from Andrews jeans and maybe after all this wasn't the relationship he had hoped for.

"Well I am and I don't care what you say." Andrew growled and slapped Sam straight across the straight. Silent tears streamed down his face at the sudden contact. In instinct he grabbed the side of his burning face only to have the feeling of his boxers being taken off. Sam felt disgusting.

"No no no no! Stop!" Sam tried to tell but he only received more slaps to the face. He was hoping anyone, anyone at all, would help him now but there was no one that could hear them or see them. The door was locked and the curtains were closed and nobody was home.

"I said be quiet you bitch!" Kicking his way out of this situation didn't get Sam anywhere. His ankles were grabbed and body pulled forward. Feeling something poking at his entrance, he freaked out more than he already was. Thrashing his arms and legs around with all the yelling still got him slapped to the face. The breathing of the blonde quickened as he felt a sharp pain at his bottom.

"Fuck" Skin slapping against skin could be heard in the room while Sam's silent tears fell onto the sheets. There was no pleasure in this, all just pain. He was forced into this when he specifically told Andrew he wasn't ready for this kind of step yet.

Sam's yelling haltered seeing as that is not going to work anymore. He let it happen. He felt so weak, defenseless, and dirty. He wasn't even paying attention to see if Andrew had a condom on or not. He knew himself he was clean but never knew anything about Andrew.

Andrew's thrusts haltered as a long grunt was let out his lips. He fell on top of Sam breathing heavily until he decided to pull out. Sam's legs wouldn't close as he felt stuck in that position. He felt a substance drip down some of his upper thigh until it was pushed back into himself. Sam let out a loud cry at the feeling.

Sam heard his door get slammed but he stayed there in that position still unable to move.

Getting under the covers eventually, he could feel himself start to drift off after sobbing for fifteen to twenty minutes.

By the time he finally was about to fall asleep, his door was opened with an ecstatic mother barging in.

"How is my Samuel doing?" Sam is guessing she didn't hear the sobs coming from his mouth as he looked up at her with teary eyes.

Shock was placed on hers. Running quickly over to the boy, she grabbed his face asking what was wrong as she was worrying about what happened to her precious baby.

"I got raped"

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