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Bellamy had barely talked to anyone after arriving from looking for Clarke, and I was a bit too busy trying to stop people from going to Mt Weather to actually have time to stop and talk to him. They had already sent farm station there since they were already here, I knew something was going to happen, something big. I knew Mt Weather was going to explode but I didn't know when. They didn't let me go there and didn't listen to me when I told them not to go. I knew everything was okay until my friends went there, and they hadn't yet. They were taking the Rover today, that much I knew, but I was pretty sure they weren't to Mt Weather. Sterling was going with them to explore, or so I thought.

I was at the distribution centre, looking at the stuff they had brought from Mt Weather, it was terrible that they kept going there, but at least we had things that could help us live better at Arkadia. I was fascinated looking at a piece of clothing, I remembered having a shirt just like that back home, I smiled at it, that made me miss home, a life I was starting to forget.

"Like that one?" I heard Finn's voice in front of me.

"Hm, yeah. It reminds me of something I had on the Ark." I lied.

"Well, maybe Raven can bring more when she gets back from Mt Weather."

"What?" I said, staring at him. This was not good.

"Yeah, they went there, didn't she tell you?" Finn said, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, shit," I whispered before rushing towards the outside.

"What? What's wrong?"

I turned to Finn. "I know something bad is going to happen. And I need to stop it." I started walking again. Helios wasn't the only horse we had in the camp, and I needed a fast way to get there, maybe I could still stop it.

"I would ask how, but I have learned the hard way that not believing in you it's not a good idea."

"Listen, thank you, I appreciate all of this, but right now I just need to get to Mount Weather," I said while getting on the horse.

In a few minutes, that felt like hours, I was arriving Mt Weather. I stopped when I got to the gate. Raven and Sinclair were outside.

"No..." I whispered, getting out of the horse, still far from them.

Before I could move it exploded. I was far enough for it not to hurt me, but Raven and Sinclair flew across the hair.

I felt tears growing in my eyes, I felt useless. I quickly ran to them, to make sure they were okay.

Sterling... If he had stayed he was dead... I took a deep breath. I had to get myself together and help Raven right now.

"Reyes, come on, wake up," I said as I checked her pulse.

She started coughing, trying to sit. "(Y/N)?"

"Stay still, please."

"We have to warn Bellamy." She said, grabbing the walkie-talkie.

She was still weak, trying to catch her breath, I asked for the walkie-talkie and she quickly gave it to me.

"Bell?" I asked as I clicked the button. "Bellamy, are you there?"


"Mount Weather... It exploded... I think it was the grounders."

"What... What do you mean?" I heard his voice again.

"I... I don't know. I came to check... Raven and Sinclair are fine. I don't know who was inside. I'm sorry." I could feel the tears growing in my eyes.

I put the radio down, I knew Bellamy had bigger problems to handle right now. I looked at Raven. She was sitting down now, I hugged her and felt her cry against my shoulder, I was trying my best not to break down too. I was thankful she hadn't questioned how I knew.

"Gina..." She said as she pulled away from the hug to look at me.

"Who else," I felt my voice breaking. "Who else was there?"

"Farmer Station." She answered. "Besides Sinclair, Gina and I."


"He's with Bellamy. So is O."

I helped Raven and Sinclair get back to Arkadia, still feeling extremely awful and worthless. What was the purpose of knowing what was going to happen when I couldn't change it? When my memory failed me like this? My thoughts were shattered by the noise of people arriving. I quickly got up, ignoring what was left on my plate, I wasn't hungry at all.

I started walking towards them, it was Bellamy and the rest. Sterling quickly walked to me and hugged me, and for a second I felt better, less worthless. He was there, alive, breathing, that was me. He let go of me and walked to the tables, probably hungry.

Bellamy was looking at me, and I could barely look at him, I felt the guilty crushing me again.

"Bell, I'm so sorry." I walked the few steps that were separating us and hugged him.

I knew they weren't as close as they had been in the actual show, but it was clear he was in pain. He hugged me back, but let go after a few seconds, and without saying much he left.


Hey, guys! Sorry it took me this long to update! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm sorry I killed Gina, I just thought it made more sense for the story. Don't worry, this means either Lincoln or Lexa won't die. I already made my decision but I'm not going to tell you yet. Please vote!

Did you guys see the new episode? If so, tell me what you thought without giving any spoilers! (not because of me, but to respect the rest of the fandom that hasn't seen it)

See you next chapter.

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