The Ark is Here

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I must have fallen after I started to run again to get far enough so the Mountain Men wouldn't see me, because I woke up in the middle of the forest, on the ground, with a terrible headache. I set down and took my hand where it hurt when I looked at it, it was red.

"Oh, shit," I whispered, this was not good.

I tried getting up but I felt dizzy so I dragged myself near a tree to lean in it. I undressed my jacket, ignoring the coldness that hit my skin, and pressed the tissue against my head, to stop the bleeding. I heard a noise but I felt too weak and dizzy to react or hide. Maybe I could pretend I was dead? But that included moving. Instead, I just stood still, hoping if it was a grounder they'd not see me. I closed my eyes, wishing the person or animal would just go away.

"(Y/N)" I heard Bellamy's voice, I had never been happier to hear my name, and I opened my eyes.

"Bellamy?" I felt so relieved, I knew he was alive but I wasn't sure I'd actually survive if no one had found me. Then I saw Monroe and a boy I didn't know the name of.

"Are you okay?" Bellamy asked.

"I think I fell and hit my head."

Bellamy helped me get up, I was feeling a bit better, not so dizzy, maybe it was just because I had just woken up.

"What about Finn?" Monroe asked.

"You and Sterling, keep following, we'll catch up, don't worry," Bellamy said and then turned to me after they left. "I'm no doctor, but it might be just a cut on the skin."

"The fact that you started by saying I'm no doctor makes me believe you completely." I joked.

"Oh, your humor is still there." Bellamy smiled at me.

"Shut up." I gave him a half-smile.

"Can you walk?"

"Yeah." I wasn't sure if I could, but I had to.

I started walking and actually did it, not feeling so dizzy anymore. Bellamy and I started walking to catch upon Monroe and Sterling.

Finn was being dragged by a Grounder that had killed the other delinquent that was with him. We were following them for a while now. And luckily they were going slowly because I felt like if I was going faster I'd pass out. Then we stopped. The kids were both freaking out.

"I know you're scared, but we are warriors. We can do this." Bellamy told them.

"How?" Monroe asked.

"We attack as a team. When he goes for me, Monroe goes for Finn. Once he's free, it's four on one."

"Four?" I asked.

"Yeah, you're staying here, you can barely walk." He told me.

"And what do I do?" Sterling asked.

"Try not to die. Ready? One, two, three."

Bellamy started running but they didn't move, leaving him to fight the grounder alone and ending up in Bellamy being beaten up and dragged along with Finn.

"What the hell?" I asked them.

"I was scared," Monroe answered.

I sighed. "We have to go after them."

"We can do this," Monroe told Sterling. "We're warriors. We're warriors. We're warriors. We are warriors." She started repeating, trying to convince herself.

They both started running towards the grounder while screaming but before they could get to him he fell to the ground, dead. A few seconds later Kane appeared in between the trees and I got out of my hiding spot.

"We're here now. Everything's gonna be okay." I heard him say while we both approached them.

"(Y/N)? You're here?" Finn asked now realizing I was there.

"Long story."

"Don't stand up," Abby told Bellamy while getting close.

"I'm fine, help her." He looked at me. "We need to get back to the Dropship."

"Hey. Where's Clarke? Is she all right?" She asked while checking my head and gave me a small smile. "It's just a cut, a few stitches and you'll be fine." I smiled back.

"She was when we left. We'll take you to her." Finn answered.

"Wait. Slow down." Kane spoke up and then approached Sinclair.

"Didn't I tell you it was just a cut?" Bellamy teased and I rolled my eyes but ended up smiling.

"You seven with me. You three, lead the way." Kane said, coming back.

While we started walking I realized when we got there they weren't going to be, so I had to find a way of telling them about the Mountain Men but without revealing too much.

When we arrived near the drop-ship there were dead bodies everywhere. Both from grounders and delinquents. So we kept walking while hiding.

"It's too quiet," Bellamy said.

"We'll take it from here. Banks, Scanlon, you stay with them. We'll signal once we're sure it's safe." Kane said and started walking.

"We need a stretcher!" We heard someone say.

Bellamy and Finn tried to start walking but a guard stopped them, so they looked at each other and started running. The guard told them to stop and then looked at me. I shred my shoulders.

"I have no clue what they're doing and I'm too tired to go after them."

The guard ended up letting me pass, knowing the actual troublemakers already were there. When I got to them Bellamy was already being taken by guards and they chained him to the drop-ship. I went to see Abby, she was with Raven and told me to stay near them so she could "fix me up."

The walk wasn't that long and all the adrenaline on my system went down, which meant, my head hurt so much again. As soon as we got there Abby called me and in no time I was out of there with 3 stitches in my head.


Hello there! I hope you like this chapter! It's just the beginning of season 2! Thank you to everyone who has been reading this and please don't forget to vote and comment, it really means a lot. Tomorrow I have an exam and I'm so nervous, wish me luck. See you soon.

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