Some Unfornutate Goodbyes

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I looked at Bellamy worried. I knew he was supposed to go to Mount Weather and that he'd be okay and but that didn't stop me from worrying what Finn's survival could change. He was about to leave with Lincoln, to get inside it.

"What's that look?" He said, noticing I was looking at them and walking to me. "If I didn't know better I'd say you are worried about me," He joked.

I couldn't help but laugh a bit. "But you do know better," I joked too. "Just... be careful, okay? And don't die. We kinda need you."

"I'll try my best not to." He smiled.

"We have to go," Lincoln said looking at him with a heavy look.

Bellamy looked at him before turning to me again, probably more nervous than me.

"Good luck," I tried to smile.

"Take care of them for me, while I'm away." He tried to joke.

"I'll do my best." I actually joked.

Bellamy and Lincoln left through the woods to go save our people in Mount Weather, Bellamy's job being the inside man, and mine, well, mine was to try to get Lexa not to break our alliance.

The camp was full of grounders, Lexa had ordered them to join us to train but I knew training with them right now would be a bit of a suicidal idea, like Octavia would try. Right now we were all together inside the ship, so Kane could welcome them.

"I know we don't have a lot in common. But we do have a common enemy and a common goal. And for us to reach it, to get our people out of Mount Weather we need to work together. Ogeda. Skaikru and Trikru. Our survival depends you sharing your knowledge of this world..."

I was next to Murphy and Finn, watching Kane's speech when a grounder got near us, with a rude look on his face, not a good thing, I was sure.

"You got a problem?" Murphy quickly asked, sarcastically.

The man answered something in his language but I was pretty sure it had to do with the massacre because he was talking to the three of us.

"I'm sorry, man, I don't speak grounder," Murphy answered.

"Murphy, don't..." I whispered.

The man tried to push Murphy but he quickly pushed back. Finn and I tried to keep them apart, holding him back. Everyone stopped to stare at us.

"Mr. Murphy, apologize to that man." Kane spoke.

"For what?" Murphy answered.

"Murphy didn't do anything." I spoke up. "The man..."

"Two days of work detail," Kane spoke. "And you Miss Fox, another word and you'll have the same."

"Come on, Murphy. We'll help you." Finn whispered and we started to walk away.

"You can burn just like your friend." The grounder said, now in English.

"Ignore him," I told Murphy, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from there.

After only 5 minutes Kane walked to us giving Murphy orders about the "work detail" and in no time we were with Murphy cleaning some sort of underground room.

"You two don't have to be here." He muttered, with a broom in his hands.

"Come one, man, the dude was talking to the three of us," Finn answered. "You were just the only one that said anything."

"We are your friends, that's what friends do." I smiled and kept on cleaning.

We were cleaning for a while, watching the grounders train outside along our own people. After a while, Jaha came in, with his way too serious look.

"Can I talk to John for a minute?" He asked politely.

I looked at Finn and he nodded, and we both left the room.

"See you," I told Murphy.

Finn and I were in the corridor, waiting for Jaha to talk to Murphy.

"I know he used to be our Chancellor but I don't trust him." I looked at him.

"Yeah, me too."

The door opened and Murphy and Jaha left the room which made me raise an eyebrow.

"He got me out of duty," Murphy explained which didn't help much. "To show him Wells' grave."

Now I remembered, I didn't want him to go, to suffer all of that. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" I whispered so Jaha couldn't hear since he was a bit further.

"It's just the drop-ship not the end of the world." He said confused.

"Yeah, of course, you're right," I answered, knowing he couldn't be more wrong. "Just be careful, okay?"

He looked at me funny but ended up thanking me before leaving with Jaha.

"What was all of that about?" Finn asked me with a smirk.

"I don't know, man, Jaha is crazy."

Fin laughed. "Wanna go outside to train with the grounders?"

"No, not really." 


Hello, I hope you liked this chapter! Do you guys like how this is going? With Finn alive? Please vote/comment if you did enjoy it! Thank you all for being so nice and reading this! See you next chapter.

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