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(Please read the authors note)

Almost a day had passed and no one knew what to do. Some people were already packing to leave, others thought to stay was the best option. I knew we weren't leaving so I didn't bother to worry about it. Abby and Kane had even made a speech about it, which was way too dramatic, and also the first time I heard the city of light being talked, which wasn't exactly a good thing.

A few hours later Abby and Jaha gave the order to evacuate and leave before the grounders arrived, I went to get my things, or else the guards would make me. I arrived in the room I'd been assign to and before I could do anything Finn entered the room.

"Hey, come on, we gotta go warn Clarke."

"What?" I asked him.

"Yeah, she went with to help with something, they're in the dropship."

"And no one cared to warn me."

"I'm sorry, okay? Now let's go."

I followed Finn outside and we both went to the drop-ship to warn them the change of plans.

"We have to go, the camps leaving," Finn said as soon as we entered.

"You were there when my people were slaughtered!" Nyko stated as soon as we walked in.

"I'm sorry," Finn muttered.

Everyone was staring at them, and I didn't know what to do, but I was pretty sure this had been much more violent in the show.

"Thank you for trying to stop it," Nyko said, looking at me.

Before I could answer Octavia ran to Lincoln.

"He's not breathing..."

Clarke checked his pulse. "His heart's stopped. Move!" She tried to bring him back while the rest of us just stared and a few seconds later he started to breathe again.

"He was did you do that?" Nyko asked.

"You've tried bringing Reapers back before?" Clarke looked at him.

"And they died like this?"

"What is it?" Bellamy asked.

"I know how to stop the attack," Clarke explained.

"Could you be more specific please," I asked, confused.

"I can bring the reapers back, we can make a deal with the grounders." She explained. "Finn, you come with me, to talk to my mom. The rest of you stay and watch over him."

Clarke and Finn left and Octavia stood by Lincoln's side, worried.

"Hey, O. He'll be fine." I gave her a smile. "Don't worry."

She smiled at me and I went to sit a bit away, to give her some space with him. Bellamy set next to me looking at Octavia.

"Do you really believe that?"

"What that he's going to be okay?" I asked, looking at him. "A hundred percent, besides our lives depend on it. And, you know, this is like a drug, people used to survive it all the time."

"Yes, I know but..."

"He'll be okay." I looked at Octavia. "She really loves him."


"I know you don't like him, but he's a good guy. Your sister deserves a good guy, Bellamy." I looked at him and smiled.

"She does."

Octavia was cleaning up Lincoln Finn entered the room, followed by Abby.

"Oh, thank god. Where's Clarke?" Octavia asked.

"Trying to stop a war," Finn explained.

"Pupils are unresponsive," Abby informed as soon as she checked his eyes and then looked at us. "Tie off his arm. Tight as you can." Then she grabbed some sort of liquid and a needle. "Thanks to the supplies your brother found, Lincoln might have a chance."

"What's that?" Octavia asked.

"This will bring down his fever."

Right after she injected him with that he started to move.

"Hold him down." She ordered.

All of us did so, trying to stabilize him, but failing. Then, he just stopped moving.

"What's happening?" Octavia asked.

"His heart's stopped." Abby started performing CPR on him.

After a while Abby stopped, looking at Octavia.

"I'm sorry. He's gone." Abby said.

"No, it's not possible. You're wrong!" Octavia tried to bring him back while Bellamy comforted her.

"No... This is not how it's supposed to go..." I muttered. Or was it? I was trying to feel anxious for not being sure if this was supposed to happen.

Clarke arrived, and right after her, came some grounders, Lexa and Indra. I froze. I could feel the tension in the room, everyone was ready to attack and grabbed their weapons at the same time.

"Please. You don't have to do this." Clarke begged Lexa.

"You lied, and you're out of time."

Abby grabbed the electric stick and tried to bring him back with it. Then I remembered, this was supposed to happen.

"Hit him again," Clarke said.

Abby did. Lincoln woke up. Everyone in the room was relieved, except Indra that seemed to be counting the seconds to kill us all, I couldn't blame her for it. He recognized Octavia and we knew he'd be okay. The room cleared in no time, Clarke left with Lexa. Would she ask for Mr. Allen's life? Like she did with Finn on the original version? Or would she spear us from that?

We went back to camp, there were still hundreds of grounders around camp, the truce wasn't official yet.

It was already dark and we were still waiting for Clarke to come back. The gate opened and we gathered around her, waiting for something, any update, any chance of peace.

"What did she say? Is there a chance for a truce?" Abby asked.

"Yes," Clarke said.

"What's the condition?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"If we want a truce, we have to give them Mr. Allen."


Hello, I hope you liked this chapter! Please vote and comment on your opinion. Now major news, I'm going to be travelling for a while so I will most likely not update during that time, next update will probably only be on the 14th but after that don't worry I'll go back to the usual schedule of posting as much as I can. I swear I'll try my best to update at some point during that time but I doubt it will happen. So see you then, and I really hope you liked this chapter.

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