Changing Hearts

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A few hours later everyone was ready to sleep, but no one could because Jasper kept moaning in pain.

"That kid's driving me crazy." Was one of the many remarks we could hear about Jas.

Octavia and I were quietly taking care of him. Right now she was in another part of the room, getting a clean piece of cloth to clean him.

"C'mon Jas, you gotta survive and make me suffer a bit more in a year," I whispered, if he remembered this, later on, I could tell him he was hallucinating. "You can't die, you're not supposed to..."

Monty came up, running like a lunatic.

"Murphy's going to kill Jasper!" He screamed and me and Octavia ran to him to help him close the "door".

He couldn't close it because Murphy was trying to get in so O kicked him and we finally closed it.

"Don't let him in," Octavia said while looking for something to hold the door closed while Monty an I tried our best to keep it close.

"I'm gonna kill him, okay? Let me in! Let me in, Monty!" Murphy kept screaming from outside.

"No rush. We're fine here." Monty said since she was taking a long time.

"I got it, move it!" Octavia screamed and we got out of the door and she closed it. There was my favorite warrior princess.

"The three of you better open up this hatch right now!" Murphy kept screaming, but we were safe, at least for now.

Octavia and I eventually came down, not letting Murphy in but having to take Murphy's madness. We heard familiar voices and we went outside.

"It's about time. They're gonna kill Jasper. Did you get the medicine?" Octavia talked, and I knew what was happening.

"Yeah. I... I got it. Come on. Let's go talk." Clarke replied trying to get her away from the body.

Octavia ignored Clarke and got to Bellamy. Clarke looked at me, clearly concerned and nodded.

"Octavia, just stay there. Please, stay back." Bellamy said, trying to protect her.

"Why?" Octavia was confused. And "fought" Bellamy to get to the body. "Stop." She said, passing by him.

She got near the corpse laying on the ground and took the piece of cloth that was covering his face.

"Atom..." She whispered I could see the tears on her face.

"There's nothing I could do." Bellamy tried.

"Don't," Octavia said, covering his face again and leaving.

I felt the tears on my eyes, too. Reliving all of that pain, now so much real, and my fault too. Murphy approached Bellamy, who sniffled.

"Lose anyone here?" Bellamy asked.


"Jasper?" He asked, again.

"Still breathing. Barely. I tried to take him out, but your psycho little sister..." Murphy started but before he could keep talking Bellamy grabbed him by the jacket. "Bellamy?"

"My what? My what?" Bellamy screamed in his face. There he was, my love.

"Your little sister," Murphy replied, shoving Bellamy off of him.

"Yeah, that's right. My little sister. Got anything else you want to say about her?" Bellamy seemed stronger.

"Nothing. Sorry." Murphy replied not amused. Oh, cockroach.

Bellamy was still angry but left Murphy, just telling another guy to take Atom's body away. Then I got in the drop-ship to help Clarke and Octavia taking care of Jasper.

"I'm really sorry about Atom," Clarke said.

"I guess we're gonna have to get used to people dying down here, aren't we?" Octavia said. She didn't even know how much. Then I realized, I couldn't stop some deaths, because they would change everything, like Wells. I had to bear the guilt of his death because if he didn't die too much would change and I wouldn't know what would happen. But Jasper's suicide I could prevent. "But not you. You hear me? You're not allowed to die." She said looking at Jasper.

Then Clarke left, saying she had something to take care off since Jasper had already taken the medicine. I knew she was going to talk to Wells, I smiled, at least they would get closer.

Finn took a bottle of something with alcohol and passed it to me. I drunk a bit. It was strong but good.

"Smooth," Monty commented while coughing when was his turn.

He passed it to Octavia. She drunk it, making a funny face.

"Disgusting. Love it." She commented, and I laughed.

She passed it back to Finn, who was about to drink it until a voice was heard.

"Can I, uh, get a hit of that?" It was Jasper.

"Jasper!" We all said, getting up and getting near him.

"Let's start with the soft stuff," Finn said, smiling and giving him a bit of water to drink. "Welcome back, buddy."

He and Monty did the compliment they always did and I couldn't help but smile. My kids were finally okay, happy for a bit.

"Was that a dream or did I get speared?" Jasper said, and I laughed.

"You'll have a very impressive scar to prove it," Clarke said while arriving.

"My Savior." Jasper smiled.

"Thank you for not dying. I don't think I could've taken that today." Clarke said, with a smile.

"I'll try not to die tomorrow, too, if that's cool." We all laughed.

"Yeah, that seems super cool," I said. He smiled wider and then saw Octavia who was next to me.

"Oh, hello." He said smiling.

I stupidly felt tears on my eyes. Then Jasper seemed dizzy and fell asleep again.

"Well, at least we know he's gonna make it," I said and got up. "I'm gonna have a good night of sleep, call me if you guys need anything."

Monty nodded and smiled. I started to walk down the stairs and started searching an empty hammock since all the tents were occupied by couples. I set down, ready to finally sleep after those 4 days of sick Jasper.

"(Y/N)?" I heard Finn's voice in front of me.

"Yes?" I looked at him, confused.

"I made something for you..." He said and showed me a necklace with a little origami fox.

Was he hitting on me? He had one for Raven and other for Clarke, the girls he was into, why make one for me?

"Thanks..." I said, reaching for it. But it was so beautiful.

"I made one for Clarke too... I'm kind of into her."

"No one would say," I said sarcastically.

"Yeah." He laughed. "But I made one for you because you seemed sad these days, with the whole Jasper thing. I thought it would make you feel better." I smiled, and so did he. "I feel like we could be great friends, (Y/N)."

Maybe I changed something. I didn't remember Finn actually being friends with any girl in season one, or two to be honest. Maybe I was changing hearts.

"It's really beautiful and it did make me feel better. Thank you, Finn." I couldn't help myself but hug him. He hugged me back. He was so warm and comfy, just like I imagined. Then we both let go. "Goodnight."



I hope you're liking it! Please vote and comment to let me know if you are enjoying it! Next chapter will be published Monday. 

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