Rescue Party 2

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After a while, Clarke and Finn came to tell they found something. Then the six of us were walking altogether. 

"Hey, how do we know this is the right way?" Murphy said.

"We don't," Bellamy said, I heard judgment in his tone. "Space-walker thinks is a tracker."

"It's called cutting sign. Fourth-year earth skills. He's good." Wells answered.

"You want to keep it down or should I paint a target on your backs?" I knew Finn was right.

Then Finn found a broken branch and blood on the ground, Clarke joined him, analyzing that.

"See, you're invisible," Bellamy said to Wells.

Then, I thought, "So are you, Bell." We started to hear weird sounds, I knew it was Jasper screaming from pain.

"What the hell was that?" Murphy asked.

"Him, you dumb ass," I answered rolling my eyes, ready to go that way.

"Now would be a good time to take out that gun," Clarke said. Okay, maybe Bellamy wasn't that invisible.

Then we all started to go that way.

"Yeah, go towards the war drums, sounds like a great plan," I said, following them and I heard Bellamy laughing.

Then we found Jasper, tight to a tree, full of blood, in pain. I could barely look at him.

"Oh my God..." Clarke said, trying to get to him.

"Clarke, be careful," Finn warned.

"Yeah, there could be traps," I added, trying to help but not showing I knew what was going to happen.

Clarke ignored us and almost fell, Bellamy catch her like he was supposed to. I was stuck there and until now I hadn't changed a thing. What was I even doing there?

"Clarke?" Finn screamed. "Get her up! Pull her up!"

They all run to help him pull her up and I stood there. It had started. I silently laughed, remembering something I had seen on Tumblr how none of them had actually helped.

"You okay?" Wells asked.

"Yeah." She answered while getting up, she obviously looked scared. "We need to get him down."

"I'll climb up there and cut the vines," Finn said.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm with you," Wells replied, ready to help even if his ankle was still hurt.

"No. Stay with Clarke. And watch him." He said about Murphy. "You. Let's go." He said to Bellamy.

I knew everything was going to be okay but I was still nervous.

"There's a poultice on his wound," Clarke said. I didn't remember if the grounders where gonna attack right now.

"Medicine? Why would they save his life just to string him up as live bait?" Wells said. Now I was starting to get scared. I was the kind of girl to spend all my day watching TV and reading and now there I was with my favorite characters in the middle of the woods in danger.

"Maybe what they're trying to catch likes its dinner to be breathing," Bellamy said.

"Maybe what they're trying to catch is us," Finn replied.

"Finn's right," I said looking at Jasper. "They knew we'd came for him."

They all looked scared, but we still had to save Jasper. Then Murphy and Finn climbed the tree to get Jasper down.

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