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The sun had just risen and there were already at least 5 dead bodies outside. I wasn't sure what I was doing still inside, I hadn't gotten sick. I was most likely immune. Clarke said I might still get other people sick but I doubt it. Right now I was inside, taking care of one of the contaminated since I couldn't get sick I could help them. Others were taking the bodies outside, something I'd rather not see. It was really different seeing blood and dead people on TV then was in real life, real life had all these other senses, like the awful smell caused by the virus, things I wasn't ready to experience.

I heard screams outside, I walked to the door but regretted it immediately, people were puking blood, infecting others, everyone was screaming. Now, most people had a gun, pointing them at the sick ones.

Before I could react or actually wrap my mind about what was happening I heard gunshots. It was Clarke, she had fired a gun to get our attention.

"This is exactly what the Grounders want. Don't you see that? They don't have to kill us if we kill each other first." She tried to make a point but she was almost too weak to talk.

"They won't have to kill us if we all catch the virus. Get back in the damn dropship!" Some random delinquent said, pointing the gun at Clarke but Bellamy quickly took it out of his hands.

By now I was also outside the dropship, near Clarke, to check if she was okay since I knew she was about to pass out at any point.

"Not to state the obvious, but your quarantine isn't working." He told me, and I could see fear in his eyes.

"I know, I..." Before I could finish my sentence Clarke fell down next to me and Finn ran to catch her.

"Finn. don't touch her." Raven tried to warn but he was too late. He was already holding her.

"Let me go, I'm okay." Clarke tried.

"No, you're not," Finn told her.

"Come on, bring her inside," I told him. "And then you make sure you wash your hands and change your clothes."

"No, wait, Octavia will come back with a cure," Clarke answered.

"But that doesn't stop us from making sure you are okay right now." I tried to rush Finn inside.

"There is no cure... But the Grounders don't use the sickness to kill." Octavia arrived.

"If you go inside right now and leave Clarke there and change your clothes you are reducing the chances of getting infected, so let us hear what Octavia has to say, and you go inside," I told Finn.

While I was saying this to Finn, Bellamy and Octavia were having a small "fight". Finn moved with Clarke inside while I stood there, watching them talk.

"Really? Tell that to them." Bellamy pointed at the corpse pile. "I warned you about seeing that Grounder again."

"Yeah? Well, I have a warning for you, too. The Grounders are coming... and they're attacking at first light." Octavia passed by him, getting inside the drop-ship and I followed her.

When I got inside Clarke was already in Murphy's place and I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Can you please go now?" Clarke asked Finn.

"Can you please get better now?" Finn told her.

"If he's not sick by now, then he's probably immune like us," Octavia said and pointed at me.

"What else did Lincoln tell you?" Finn asked Octavia.

"The virus doesn't last long."

"It's true. I feel better." Murphy spoke.

"They need to stay hydrated," Clarke told us.

"We," I said pointing at Finn and I. "will take care of that, and you," I pointed at her. "will stay there."

I started to give water to everyone to make sure they were okay, while Finn and Clarke talked. I walked to Murphy and gave him a glass too.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" He asked me while accepting it.

For a moment I didn't know how to respond, I couldn't tell him the truth.

"I think you're not as bad as everyone thinks you are. Everyone deserves a second chance." I spoke and quickly walk to another person to avoid any other questions.

I was now helping someone who was coughing blood, trying to keep them from choking on their own blood, and keep them hydrated, when I heard Murphy's voice, talking to Connor.

"I put the rope around your neck. Why are you helping me?" I heard Connor.

"Bygones, besides, someone told me everyone deserved a second chance." Murphy looked at me and I gave him a small smile, surprised on how nice he was being.

I heard noise coming from the dropship and quickly realized it was Bellamy, two guys bringing him in.

"Bell, no." Octavia quickly made people gave him space.

I walked to him, probably ran, only now my brain was remembering that he'd get sick too. Bellamy started puking blood and I covered my mouth, almost feeling tears grow in my eyes, besides I was an empathetic vomiter and felt like I was going to puke the little amount of food I had eaten all day. I watched has Octavia and he talked and she took care of him. She looked at me, worry in her eyes.

"We'll be okay, don't worry. He's not that easy to get rid off." I joked while trying to comfort her.

We went to help other people while Bellamy rested. A few minutes later he woke up and Murphy went to help. I couldn't help but overhear them fight and quickly decided to step in, and so did Clarke. I saw her move but stop when she saw me arriving.

"Hey, I got this," I told Murphy, asking for the cup of water he had in his hands.

He gave me the cup and the piece of tissue he was trying to give Bellamy and left. I gave Bellamy the cup, hoping he wouldn't reject it as well. He accepted it.

"You didn't get sick?" He asked me. I wasn't sure if he was saying it incriminating me or if it was something good.

"Yeah, neither did Octavia or Finn," I answered, sitting next to him.

"Good." He answered and I didn't know what to say. "Why are you defending him?" He broke the silence that had spread between us.

"He deserves a second chance. It's not like we didn't make mistakes as well."

"He got Charlotte killed." He whispered.

"You almost got him killed, and yet here he is trying to help you." I looked at him. "I know we aren't exactly friends, but please hear me out. He was unfair with Charlotte, but you and Clarke were unfair with him in the first place. I'm not telling you to be his friend or trust him, I'm just asking you to let him stay."

"I'll try." I could almost hear him smile.

"Can I talk to Bellamy for a moment?" I turned my head to see Clarke.

"Yeah, of course." I got up and went to help whoever needed me.


Hello there, I hope you liked the chapter! I think it was an interesting one. Thanks to everyone who has been following this story and supporting me in any way. By the way, I was thinking about trying my luck in the Wattys. What do you guys think?

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