A Month Later

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A month had passed since the whole Mount Weather situation. Not much had changed, the camp was bigger, more organized and had officially changed from "Camp Jaha" to "Arkadia" since Jaha had ghosted and taken Murphy and a few other people with him. Raven had Wick had broken up, I wasn't sure why, one day they were together, the next they weren't. Jasper had started drinking, I did my best to stop him but I wasn't with him 24/7.

I entered the common room where we usually had breakfast all together, it was a routine now and it felt so good to be able to have a bit of peace.

"Good morning," I said as I set down, next to Raven. "What's the day going to be like."

"Same as always," Raven answered, she was working with Sinclair.

"Kane gave us the order to start exploring further sectors, to find more survivors," Bellamy smiled.

"Isn't our peace with the grounders based on not exploring too far?" Finn asked.

"I think we're good as long as we stay out of Ice Nation area," I answered. "And from any village."

Monty arrived, looking tired, dark circles under his eyes. I felt sorry for him, Jasper kept on blaming him for Mount Weather. It's not like there was a better choice.

"Where's Jasper?" Raven asked.

"Where do you think?" Monty set down.

"It's 9 AM, what is he thinking?" I sighed. "I'm gonna check on him."

"Good luck," Monty said, sarcastically.

I walked up to the bar, where Jasper normally was, drinking already.

"Feeling thirsty?" I asked. "You should try water, usually works better." I set down next to him.

"Very funny."

"Seriously, Jasper. Do you think drinking will bring her back?" I took the glass from him.

"No," He tried to reach it. "Nothing will."

"Well, but what a way to honor her death, do you think this is what she wanted?"

"She wanted to be alive!" He almost screamed.

I sighed. "But she isn't. And you are. So please take care of yourself."

"Whatever," He got up leaving.

"Well, that went well," Bellamy said.

I turned around, rolling my eyes. "Like any of you is doing anything."

"I'm not judging you, at least you're trying."

"Well, I've learned that you shouldn't give up on people you care about," I shrugged my shoulders.

"Bellamy, are you ready?" A guard asked. "The rover's ready."

"Yeah," He answered and then turned to me. "Don't miss me too much."

I couldn't help but laugh. "I'll do my best."

Bellamy left with a few other guards and volunteers to the rover to explore. I had started to help in the rationing and division of essential things, like clothes, food and so on. I went to do my part and help with whatever I could.

After a while, Raven arrived, looking for something.

"Hey," She smiled. "I need a part for a project we're working on."

"Just look for it, I won't know what you want by the name anyway," I laughed.

She laughed too and quickly found whatever she was looking for.

"See you at lunch."

"See you." I waved.

Lunchtime arrived and I grabbed my portion walking to the table we usually set on. That looked like one of those high school cafeteria settings. We would be the cool nerds. That was usually my favorite parts of the day, when we were all just hanging out, eating and talking and everything was calm, it was just me and those people, who a few months ago were just characters in my favorite tv show, just hanging out like normal people and I really felt like they were my friends, like I was a part of the 100.

"Has Bellamy got back yet?" Finn asked.

"No, he'll probably take longer since they were further away today," I answered.

"Maybe they'll find something about Clarke," Raven said, hopeful.

We all missed her, but I knew she was okay and that she wouldn't be back for 2 more months.

"Maybe," Monty muttered.

"I'm sure she's okay," I said.

After a while, we all got back to our jobs and tasks, just how days went. We'd usually hang out at the end of the day. I had found a deck of cards in the distribution center and had asked to have it, since that day our free time was usually playing with it. I had no idea how it had survived all of that time but it did and we had lots of fun. Jasper sometimes joined us, when he was sober enough, that's usually when I tried to subtly convince him to stop drinking.

When Bellamy arrived we were already all together, just waiting for him. He set down between me and Raven, like always.

"So how was it?" She asked.

"Didn't find anything good, but we mapped a bit further." He explained.

"That's something good," I answered.

"But it's not Clarke," Finn answered.

"We'll find her, she left because she wanted, we have to wait for her to want to be found," I said.

We sat silent for a few seconds. Raven grabbed the cards.

"What are you guys betting tonight?" She smirked.


Hello! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was something more fun I guess? I don't know. If you enjoyed it please comment and vote! Thank you for reading it and for being so nice! See you next chapter!

Stuck in The 100On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara