~Chapter 23~

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“You look so pretty Frey-Frey,” 

             I patted the last bit of powder on my face while looking at Faith in the mirror, who was sitting on my bed.  I hate to be egoistical, but I guess I agreed with her.  I curled my hair and partially pinned it back.  Mom had given me her diamond dangled earrings to borrow.  The dark red lipstick that I had gotten earlier on in the week I wasn’t so sure about, but it looked good now that I had it on.  My dress from last year still fit thank goodness.  It’s a bright, scarlet red and flowed to the floor, having a v-neck halter top with little diamonds on the straps.  It’s probably one of my favorite dresses that I’ve worn. 

            Faith suddenly got off my bed, and bowed.  I giggled.  “What are you doing Faith?” 

          She smiled.  “I’m bowing down to you Princess Freya.” 

          Aww, Faith.  I went over and hugged her.  “You’re too cute Faith.” 

          I went over to my desk and grabbed my black clutch bag, then headed downstairs.  Of course, Mom and Dad ushered me out to the front lawn to take a million pictures.  From there, I said goodbye to everyone, and Dad brought me into the car to drive me down to the dock where I was supposed to catch this boat−cruise−whatever it’s called.  The sun was beginning to set and it looked like it was going to be a gorgeous night out.  I wish that it would just be a fun one too.  I kept having all these different fears that something would go wrong.  Like, what if the boat sank?  You never know…

         The boat was already waiting when we got there.  It was nicer than I had expected.  Big, lit up, it seemed pretty fancy.  I was thinking about how in the world I was going to find Hope and Mai.  I got out of the car and went over to the line of people who were going up the ramp to board.  It’s so big…where am I supposed to look first?  When I got closer to it, my problem seemed to be solved.  All of a sudden, I hear someone shouting my name.  I looked up to see a tiny brunette in a lavender dress on the upper deck.   

           I jumped up and down, waving.  “Hope!” 

          She waved back.  “I’ll meet you downstairs!”

        I went up the ramp, handed the person in the door my ticket, and went inside.  A word of advice−never judge something by what you see on the outside.  I mean, from the outside the boat looked nice.  But the insideoh man.  Crystal chandeliers, food tables with intricate ice sculptures, deep red roses everywhere−it was gorgeous.  Not to mention a million decorations with our graduating class year on them.  My goodness−it was beautifulI tried to look around through the crowd of people.  Where did Hope say she was going to meet me again

           I stumbled.  Someone knocked into me.  Looking down, I saw the delicate brown curls of Hope’s up-do, her arms wrapped around my waist.  With my heels on, she only came up to about my belly-button.  She let go, staring up at me, her white teeth beaming.  The only thing I could think of was how much she changed.  Hope looked so different from when we were in school.  She usually had her wavy brown hair down and a little frizzy, wearing jeans and a grey sweatshirt, no makeup except a dash of some brown eye shadow.  Right now, I wasn’t even sure it was Hope. 

         Her hair looked so elegant and perfect, put back in a curly bun with diamond clips.  Her entire face was covered in makeup, hiding every flaw of her skin.  Her dress was gorgeous−the sleek lavender, strapless, that got bigger as it went to the floor.  In the middle was a belt of dark purple sparkles, brought together with a bow on the right side.  It was like looking at a princess in a movie.  Everything about her tonight was flawless. 

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