~Chapter 21~

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             “I’m going to need to take off of work, but it’s okay if I go, right?” 

            Mom smiled.  “Freya, you’re eighteen.  That’s your decision.” 

            “I want to go…I’m pretty sure.” 

            “Then go.  Have a good time with your new friends.” 

              For the first time in days, I was starting to feel better.  Senior Prom just sounded so exciting.  I’d never been on a dinner cruise before.  The modesty also issue sounded like it wouldn’t be a problem, because they told me that everyone would be in full length prom dresses, not those tight things that go up to your butt.  Hope told me that was more for the Homecoming Dance.  Glad I wasn’t a part of that.  For our banquets at Mercy, we always wore the full length dresses.  I still had mine from the Junior Banquet last March, so I was all set in that category.  On the other hand, I found out that I didn’t have to work on Friday night. 

              It was like I had my own little miracle.  I’ve had to work every Friday night for months in a row.  It was about time that I got a break.  Since I was still a little fed up with my Mercy friends, I didn’t invite them to do anything, except for Hayden.  I eventually responded to her, and we’d been messaging each other back and forth since last night.  So, I invited her to go see a movie.  The next day, I was planning on inviting Hope to go with us. 

           So, Tuesday came.  I got to talk to Hope in French for a little bit, and she kept on begging me to show her a picture of my dress.  She showed me hers.  I couldn’t really tell what it looked like just hanging up on her closet door.  It was lavender.  That’s just about all I can say about it.  Chorus came around, and our teacher wasn’t in the best of moods.  The spring concert was next Tuesday, and apparently we “sounded like first graders.”  I know all the words to the songs now.  I’m good on that aspect.  Most importantly, I was glad to be there, despite my teacher’s irritable mood.  I actually wanted to sing in chorus again. 

           Lunch time.  Since I was going to invite Hope to hang out with Hayden, I figured; why not just invite Mai too? The first thing I did was tell them about the movie on Friday.  I could take care of rides, because I remember at some point last week, they told me that they both don’t have their licenses.  Mai said she couldn’t go.  She had some family thing she had to go to.  Hope said she would come, and that’s when I told her about Hayden. 

            “By the way, you wouldn’t mind if my friend from MCA comes, do you?” 

            She stopped eating her bagel.  “Your friend from Christian school?  She’s not a holy roller, is she?” 

            I had to think of a way to answer.  I hate it when people say that.  Holy roller.  They make good people like us Christians seem like we’re crazy.  What does that even mean anyway?  Holy roller.  How about this?  I’m holy, and that’s the way I roll.  I like it.  But compared to someone like Ginger, Hayden is much more “laid back.”    

            “No.  She used to go to public school actually…” 

            Hope took a sip of her lemon iced tea.  “Really?  You mean, as in here?  What’s her name?” 

            “Well, she didn’t go to Newpoint, but she was supposed to.  Her name is Hayden Foster,” 

            It looked like Hope was about to spit her tea all over the table.  She swallowed it, coughing a little.  “Hayden Foster?  What?” 

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