~Chapter 12~

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            Big day.  Big day.  I sat in the car and wiped a sweaty palm on my black skirt while gripping onto my seatbelt with the other, as we drove towards Newpoint for my tour.  I thought we should look presentable such an occasion.  We knew they would let me in, but I still wanted to come across and make a good first impression.  Mom put on some dress pants and a shirt, because she was against it.  “It’s just a tour of a school.”  I didn’t feel like taking her advice, so I put on a skirt and blouse.  As usual, Faith wanted to copy me, so she put on a sundress that she wears to church a lot.  My blouse was blue, so she had to wear her blue dress to match.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s very cute, but sometimes it can get a little annoying. 

           We got to the school in a short amount of time.  It was actually closer than Mercy, just about five minutes away.  We parked, walked across the giant parking lot and somehow made it to the front office with help from some kind students who gave us directions.  We got lost twice, and then one girl offered to lead us down to it.  It was surprising that there were still a lot of people at the school.  The website said they got out at two-fifteen, and now there were a ton of people roaming the halls at almost four.  I asked the girl about it and she said there were a million after school things going on.  Sports, clubs, people staying for extra help. 

           She seemed pretty nice−as in, almost someone from Mercy nice.  I wondered if there were a lot of other people like her.  She brought us through the maze of halls to the office, and we thanked her before going in.  I took a seat with Faith while Mom went over to one of the desks for a bit, and talked to one of the ladies.  Judging by the woman’s tone, it sounded like there was a problem.  Apparently, they didn’t have someone set to give us a tour.  We were supposed to have a student do it, but the student wasn’t in school today.  

           It was then that a short girl with long brown wavy hair walked into the office.  She looked frustrated.  Holding a textbook in her hand with a tote bag over her shoulder, she went over to a different desk.

            “I’d like to make a complaint,”   

            Faith and I listened in.  Complaint?  I wanted to hear this.  The woman behind the counter raised an eyebrow at her.  Something tells me that this type of situation doesn’t happen often. 

            “Okay, what is your complaint?”  She asked, confused. 

            So, the girl went on to tell the woman behind the desk about a situation that went on in the locker room.  She explained that: “Someone spilled a drink or something in the row that my gym locker is in.  It’s been there for two weeks and no one’s cleaned it.  Now there are ants all over it…it’s really gross,” 

            That’s disgusting.  Two weeks and no janitor went in to clean their locker room?  The staff at Mercy clean our rooms every day.  Talk about lazy janitors…I bet it wouldn’t even take them thirty seconds to mop up a spill.  I felt bad for the poor girl.  You just want to put on your gym clothes, and there’s ants crawling all over where you have to change.  I bet it was someone like Mackenzie who spilled the drink and didn’t bother to notify anyone.  This one time at lunch, she just threw her garbage on the floor.  She was like, “So?  The janitors will just get it.”  Can you believe that? 

           The lady behind the desk told the brown haired girl that they’ll take care of the mess.  She stared to leave, a look of annoyance coming over her face.  “Wait!”  The woman behind the desk where Mom was called to her, and she turned.  The woman motioned for her to come over.  She grunted and went to see what the problem was. 

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