~Chapter 2~

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For some reason, my conscious was telling me to give her a chance. There was a good chance that she was nervous because it was her first day. Jesus loved everyone that walked this earth, and I was determined to do the same.  

"So, where are you from Mackenzie?" I asked.  

She narrowed her dark eyes. "Public school. Why?"  

I shrugged and continued to smile. "Just curious, but welcome to Mercy. I'm sure you'll love it here. Our grade is like a big family. Let me know of you need anything, okay? 

She nodded and I ran back across the room to Hayden. There was a smug look on her face. That "see what I mean?" look. I felt like someone had sucked the life out of me. Being around Mackenzie just gave me his bad, awful feeling. I'd never really felt that way after talking to someone before. Maybe I was just letting Hayden get the best of me? She hadn't lied like she used to for a while; but still, I had trouble trusting someone who had been involved in the world's non-Christian environment for so long.  

Hayden stared up at me. "You don't trust her, do you Freya?" She whispered, flicking her dark blond hair over her shoulder. All I could do was shake my head. "Hopefully she's not too much trouble. She looks like she'll be expelled in the next couple of weeks. Two months, tops. What do you think?"  

I shrugged. "We'll have to see I guess."  

I went back to my usual desk in the second row behind Ginger and wiped my sweaty palms on my tan skirt. Nervous. Why was I so nervous? Mackenzie was a human being, just like everyone else there. Over time, she'd change her life and go on the right path, just like Hayden. All of a sudden, Ginger turned around in her seat, beaming at me.  

"Frey," she whispered. "What do you think of Mackenzie? Isn't she just so sweet?"  

It took me a minute to answer. Let me think about that. She had makeup all over her face, which was against the rules. She had nail polish on, which was against the rules. And she was chewing gum, which was again, against the rules. But her voice-that bratty tone of voice-no way. Mackenzie did not seem 'so sweet.' Not to mention how it was so easy to tell that she definitely wanted to be nowhere near our school, or us, for that matter. I didn't like the looks of her. Wait. Calm down Freya Lynn Freeman. Calm down. You're not supposed to judge others. You've learned that since kindergarten. I was sure that all I needed was to get to know Mackenzie a little better. That's all.  

"She seems okay. Did you invite her to sit with us at lunch?" 

It was something we always did when we got a new person in the grade. Isn't it a common courtesy thing to invite new people to your lunch table and make them feel welcome? Or at least, see who they were, where they came from. You know, to see if they would fit in well with the rest of us girls or want nothing to do with everyone, like how Hayden was when she first started.  

Ginger kept smiling. "Yep. She said she'll sit with us."  

Perfect. I could talk to her then. A ringing filled the room, causing me to jump. The second bell had rung and as usual, our teacher, Mr. Basil, was late. I was still technically class president from last year...might as well take charge. I got up from my seat.  

"Alright, everybody get up. It's time to do pledges!"  

Every day, each homeroom said three separate pledges: the pledge to the United States flag, the pledge to the Christian flag, and the pledge to the Bible. Everyone stood, including Mackenzie, who looked ridiculously confused, and we solemnly said our three pledges. Mr. Basil strolled in right as we turned to face the Bible resting on the edge of the whiteboard in the front of the room.  

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