~Chapter 16~

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          The rest of French was so easy.  Like, piece of cake easy.  All Madame Allen did was a a review of the passé-compose.  You know, the past tense.  I learned that like two years ago.  As I said, piece of cake.  Or some type of French food…like baguette.  My first day of French was a piece of baguetteAnyway, I met up with Hope on the way out of French.  She helped me find my way to my next class.  Again, she wished me luck and said she hoped that she would see me later.  So, I went on down to math.  That class was a bit more crowded.  But you know, math is math.  Numbers, calculators−all that stuff.  Most of the class was just note-taking.  The notes were on the projector, so the lights were off for a good twenty minutes.  I, like a few other students, found myself falling asleep.  My least favorite part is the textbook.  It’s like a cinder block.  I just had to keep telling myself, two months.

            I think I was going to like English.  The class wasn’t doing much at the moment, just reading a book, and then a quiz would be given out over what we head read the night before for homework.  It was a simple a chapter a night, and the quizzes had less than ten questions.  English seemed to be even cakey-er than French.  History: boring, big textbook.  I didn’t like it.  I never liked history anyways.  They need to add more fun to it.  There should be an Animal History class or something.  We could just do an entire unit on giraffes.  I mean, who doesn’t love giraffes? 

           After the beep of the bell to end history, I made my way down to the chorus room.  I already knew where it was from Hope’s tour, so I found it pretty fast, even though that in these hallways may just get as a few steps a minute. As I walked, I noticed that I was getting even more stares.  I think it was the dress.  When I walked in to history, this Mackenzie-looking girl started laughing and told me: “Nice dress.  It looks fabulous on you.”  Ignore it.  Ignore it.  They’re all just stupid.  I was still having trouble understanding Hayden’s point of view on the bullies.  Yes, the nit-picking and name calling did bother me a little, and it was annoying to the extreme, but it didn’t hurt.   

            I made my way down to chorus with almost no problem.  Almost.  I heard some guy shout “Don’t forget your pumpkin carriage!”  on the way over.  But, I made it into the room.  I talked to the teacher and she placed me where I’ve always been, which is with the rest of the high sopranos.  They were rehearsing for their spring concert that was coming up in a couple of weeks.  The songs were very easy.  No big problems.  I loved singing in the group with so many people.  It’s such an interesting change.  Seventy-five people.  I wasn’t too fond of the songs though.  We sang about memories and everlasting friendships, which were nice.  It’s just that I’m not used to singing about that in chorus.  At Mercy, we only sang worship songs.  I’m a big fan of singing praises.  But, this is what I have to sing now, so I just went along with it. 

           I got nervous when I heard the beep for lunch.  I figured that I’d be sitting by myself with everyone staring all around me, and I wasn’t looking forward to it.  Dreading it, rather.  I’d never sat alone at lunch before.  But, when I walked out of the chorus room, I realized that I wouldn’t have to.  I walk out and I saw Hope standing by one of the other music rooms.  HopeI’m saved!  She saw me and came right over.  I wasn’t sure at first, but I had an inkling that she was waiting for me. 

            “Hey Freya.”  She looked happy to see me.  “I was wondering…do you have anyone to sit with at lunch?” 

            I swear, I almost melted.  How did I…how did people like this even exist in public schools?  I remembered how besides the druggies, Hayden had told me about actual “nice” people who never bothered anyone and actually cared about their schoolwork, making good grades.  For some reason, I never thought it was true.

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