~Chapter 17~

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             I smiled back with glee.  “Not too bad.  It was interesting, to say the least.”   

            On the five minute ride home, I told her all the little details about my day.  How I couldn’t get my locker open, the dumb guys calling me “princess,” my sweaty French teacher yelling at Hope, and talking about Mackenzie at lunch.  Mom seemed just as surprised as I was when I told her about Hope knowing Mackenzie.  Not so much when I told her that she stole Hope’s money out of her wallet though.  She just scoffed and said “Of course.”  Overall, I think my day turned out pretty well.  Yes, there were tons of things that I didn’t enjoy about it like the bullies, everyone cussing, and some of the clothes that I saw.  But if you get past it, everything went much better than I expected.  However, I think the best part was that my day at school was Mackenzie-free. 

           I got in the house and sat down at the kitchen table.  Mom had baked peanut butter cookies, a personal favorite.  It seemed kind of awkward weird sitting there and telling her about my day without all my other siblings there.  I felt so bad thinking about Fox.  He’s going to feel so awkward once everyone else is out of the house.  Poor Fox.  As we were talking, the complements wouldn’t stop pouring out of her mouth.  I kept on hearing: “I’m so proud of you” and “I knew you could do it Frey” to the point where I had to beg her to stop.  I’m surprised at myself, to be honest.  A sheltered Christian schoolgirl, and I survived my first day at a public high school.  Hooray!  Only about fifty more to go.  

              Due to the fact that Mom wanted me to “unwind” after my first day of school, I wasn’t allowed to go to work.  I already did my homework during my prep, so I was left with nothing to occupy my time.  Zero.  So, I went on to my computer.  I should probably post how my day went.  I went online to my profile and posted this as my status: 

            “Well, I made it through my first day at Newpoint!  Things actually went pretty well.”

              After that, I watched tv until Frankie, Faith, and Fox got back.  They all ran in, throwing a million questions at me about my day.  I felt like I had to do a repeat of a few hours before.  I sat at the kitchen table, ate cookies, and said everything about my day.  Very different from Mom, who didn’t seem to have a lot of questions after I finished my story.  But, when you deal with younger siblings, you never know what to expect.  Faith kept asking me if I saw drugs, or people with drugs.  It went something like this. 

            “Did you buy drugs Frey-Frey?” 

            “No, I didn’t buy drugs.” 

            “Did you see people selling them?  Were they trying to give you a free sample?” 


            “Did they put them in your locker, like Reverend Dave said?”   

            “No.  There were no drugs Faith!” 

            Fox didn’t have much to say.  But Frankie asked me the stupid question: “Did any guys hit on you?”  I didn’t even have to answer because Mom yelled at him.  I think I mentioned way back that Frankie can be a troublemaker.  He makes jokes that go way too far.  Frankie is the annoying sibling.  Faith and Fox are just adorable.  Besides Frankie’s ridiculous remark, everything up until dinner was fine.  Dad seemed happy that my day went well.  It wasn’t until after dinner that a bit of the drama started. 

          I hadn’t looked at my phone all day.  There was a large amount of dread to see what everyone’s messages would hold.  At seven, I built up the courage to look at my inbox.  Twenty people.  Twenty people all had sent me messages.  Great.  I looked at them all one, by one, by one.  Most of them were just saying “Hey Freya.  How was your first day?”  Then, we have Hayden’s message, saying: “Hi Frey.  Tell me all about what happened!  I’m dying to know.  Saw your post before.  Glad you made it out alive!

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