~Chapter 8~

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              A look of shock came across her face, but in a spilt second I was pushed right back, with about twice the force I shoved her with.  My back slammed against the lockers, creating a sound as if two cars crashed in the middle of our hallway.  I heard someone near us shout “Yeah! Fight!”  I wanted to get out of there.  I needed to find a way to get out before things got too out of hand.  This was getting−no.  It was already ugly.  But I didn’t have time to think or to move.  Mackenzie started kicking me right in the side of my knee over and over again.  That was the knee that I had injured in basketball the night before.  I had my knee brace on, so she assumed to attack me there. 

            My knee hurt like you wouldn’t believe as her brown penny loafers smacked into it.  I managed to shove Mackenzie again to get her off of me, but she darted right back.  I took a few steps, limping from the pain in my knee, and got away from the lockers.  She swung at me, her fist hitting me right in the stomach.  Coughing, I bent over and tried to back away.  That’s when she kicked my knee again. 

            The crowd had grown huge now.  There had to be over thirty people around us, all screaming and cheering.  I had to defend myself.  I stood up straight and threw my right hand at her like a missile.  It was so unbelievable, but I didn’t miss.  My fist slammed Mackenzie right in the nose.  She hollered and put her hand over her face, but that didn’t seem to work.  Her nose was literally, gushing blood.  Red droplets were starting to stain her yellow polo shirt.  I shook my right hand in an attempt to rid my knuckles of pain.  My eyes went to Mackenzie, who was being held in Ginger’s arms.  It was in too much physical pain to take in what I was seeing.  I bent down, gripping my throbbing knee.  “Freya!”  Someone came through the crowd and put their arms around me.  I looked up to see that it was Frankie, a mask of horror on his face.  “Frey, what are you thinking?” 

            Still bent over, I saw someone else standing over me: Mr. Basil.  I forced myself to stand up.  I saw a few other teachers trying to help Mackenzie, some bringing her tissues.  Mr. Basil had a cold look on his face, very different from Frankie’s disbelief.  My heart sank witnessing that.  I’m the big sister.  I’m supposed to be the role model, and look what happened now.  Getting into fights at school…I’m such a disgrace.   

            Mr. Basil sighed.  “Let’s go Freya.” 

            I knew what was about to happen.  I would be going for a walk, right to Reverend Dave’s office.  And so, we departed in an awkward silence down the hall, the eyes of every high schooler following us.  I did my best to try and hobble.  It felt like someone had just taken a hammer to my knee.  Frankie tried to come with us, but Mr. Basil shooed him away after we got down the stairs.  He wished me luck before going back upstairs, and I hobbled down to the front office to Mr. Basil.  When I walked in, the secretary said she already knew why I was there.  I was instructed to sit down and wait until Reverend Dave called me in.  So I sat, rubbing my knee, doing my best to hold back tears.  Anything just to make the pain stop. 

           Upstairs, I’d never been afraid of Mr. Basil until now.  He was just one of my favorite teachers.  Today, he seemed like the guard bringing me to the executioner.  Bad things were about to happen.  Bad things.  I was assuming that I’d be suspended for at least a week.  Mom and Dad were going to be so angry. I was hoping that at the very least, Mom wouldn’t be so angry because she’d be more concerned out my knee.  Mackenzie could’ve broken it for all I know.  I was sitting in the office seats, then out of nowhere, the secretary stops typing on her computer.   

             “Oh, and Freya, Reverend wanted me to call your parents.  They’re both on their way.” 

             I froze when I heard that.  Yep.  I’m dead.  Seconds later, Frankie walked in carrying and ice pack from the nurse’s office.  He handed it to me. 

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