Chapter 29

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"Watch this," Christian mumbles leaning in closer towards the large screen of the Television. The boy quickly drags the joysticks down and does a rapid button-mash which freezes the game for a split second. He watches the scene clip into the next all-the-while clutching at the white controller which is littered in little puppy-dog stickers. After a few seconds the game unfreezes and at the bottom of the screen Christian's character is decked with multiple potions and weapons. His lip drags up and he shoots me this side-eye waiting for a reaction. "Did you see?" I scoff nudging the side of his body with my foot, the boy just flops on his side into the mass of pillows.

"You little cheater!" Laughter floods from underneath the pillows, muffled and still oh so piercing. Christian pops back up and does another button mash with his tongue peeking out past his lip in concentration. His character runs in place before glitching into the next town over. He wastes no time in aggressively tapping through the dialogue running across the screen. I look at my dull level three mage and grunt in disdain.

"Look what I got!" He squeals pocketing and un-pocketing the ultra-rare talisman. The boy caresses a sticker before readying his fingers to perform yet another cheat, but before he can button-mash away, I swoop down yanking his controller out of his hands.

"We're switching controllers," I try handing the plain blue controller towards Christian, but he pushes it away shaking his head hard. He reaches for the messy puppy controller, but I hold it up over the rim of the pillow pit. "You can press all the buttons you want on my controller." My hand is too far away for him to reach from his position, so Christian stumbles upon his knees trying to make a grab. His hand plants on my shoulder while the other stretches high.

"Noo, It's too hard, too tiring to redo it all again." He whines.

"Liar. You went through those cheats in like ten seconds each!" His knee plants into my leg and I squirm as the uncomfortable sharpness from his bone settles into the delicate meat.

"Hmph." He grunts still reaching up. I scoff again dropping my controller into the pit, and then I reach up digging my fingers under Christian's arms. He outright screams plopping into my lap as he curls into himself, arms clamped down in a protective manner.

"Aw, is someone ticklish." I set his controller down next to me.


"No?" I shove my fingers into his sides, and the boy's legs kick out as a deep flush paints over his face. It only takes thirty seconds before he's howling with laughter and wildly flailing his limbs all over the place. I have to dodge his wild fists more than once.

"Ple-ease," He grabs at my hands trying to stop the relentless attack on his poor sides. "I yield I yield! Stawp ple-ease." I tuck into his sides one last time before giving up to pat at his back instead. The boy stretches before sprawling across my legs.

"So, we can swap now?" He turns to look up at me with these mischievous eyes. I raise a brow back flexing my fingers at him in a silent threat. He beams before turning around to stare at the television screen, head still firmly rested against my thighs, legs curled into his body.

"Yeah we can swap," I scoop the forgotten controller up while swiping along a small poodle sticker, and I force the character to run through the desert market. Christian just watches me run around while dusting his fingers over his lips almost as if he's in a trance. He points towards the pixelated gates of the village.

"Want me to leave?" He nods once before snuggling back into my thighs. I pet along the golden strands of his hair once before resuming the quest.

"You know," He starts before turning to look up at me. "You..." He scrunches his face up deep in thought before continuing slowly. "You are nice." He corrects. He looks back at the Television distracted for a few seconds and then blinks himself out of the trance.

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