Chapter 11

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"Good," She smiles slinking in behind me to place her cool hands on my shoulders. "The first thing I want you to really focus on is your posture." Ms. Buchanan says while smoothing the tension in my muscles. When they go pliant and loose, she drags her hands down, down, down until they are resting on my hips. She then presses one of her legs between the small spacing of my own and slowly pushes my feet away.

"You want to be seen as a pillar of power, a sturdy frame that won't collapse or crumble to ruins. A strong enough presence that'll command respect and complete submission," She says, confidence oozing from every fiber of her body swamping the room and clogging the ears. "Your outer apparel will provide you your armor a protective barrier, but you should never hide behind it. If your presence is confident and lethal, beautiful to the eyes, then that is what you need to be inside. And getting that is never easy, but it is also not impossible." Something washes over me then pooling at the base of my spine, coiling in the pit of my stomach. Cooling my flesh and then lighting it a flame. Burning ever so hot, hot like the sun.

"You feel it?" She asks pressing her hand above my navel. I squirm under the solid pressure feeling sweat beading on my brow.

"I- I don't know, I'm hot and there's this pressure in fact, you're pressing on it right now." Ms. Buchanan smiles something that actually looks one-hundred percent genuine, and then she slides her hand away nodding towards me, snapping towards Will.

"That's it, the introduction to your aura, your presence," She flicks her hair over her shoulder revealing the strong column of her neck. Her arms cross tight over her chest. "There's this popular game that circulates around middle schools and high schools. Usually, kids will press their auras to one another and whoever "buckles" first loses. It's all...childish and quite vague, but it does serve its purpose for experiential growth. Your opponent will be Will, seeing as you both are S ranks this will provide an adequate challenge for you both, yes?" Well technically I'm SS and I don't possess any visible Sub alleles in my genes, but other than that I guess its fair game? Actually, this is far from being fair.

"Are you ready?" She asks me. Her hand slowly pushes through the tresses of Will's hair, and he grumbles pushing into the caress as well as shaking it away. What if I end up doing something crazy and my cover is blown? I wonder what Ms. Buchanan will do, how she'll act. I clench my palms until I feel my nails digging into the meat, after a short count I slowly release the tension and a bone-deep ache lingers in my fingers.

"I think so, but I'm not too sure." I reply. She just smiles.

"And how about you William, are you ready my dear?" He shrugs pursing his lips as he steels his body, readying for the attack. What if I drop him so far, he passes out? Jesus no Ama'Rose you've dropped someone before stop being dramatic. But that was before I was even using my presence, my aura! Oh shit, you're right. I can't do this, I can't. What if I kill him by accident?

Well obviously I'm being a little dramatic but come on. SS, there's hardly any documentary on them. Let alone any information about their scenes and partners. Yeah they're the universal rank, but that's just vague. What if we're universal but at a consequence. A deadly, dire, consequence. God, I'll have to move to the mountains, cut myself off from civilization!

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be, sadly I'm already on the floor so I'm not too sure how much satisfaction is to be gained. Maybe I should stand?" He offers crooked smile pulling at his tan skin. I snap my head towards him and catch the greenish blue tint of his eyes, pupils constricted tight and so small there's barely any black left.

"No, William. I fear if I let you up, you'll damage something from the fall. You do know how dangerous school games get, plus your place at the moment is the floor. You'll stay there love. Now I'm going to count down from three ready yourselves." She wastes no time in counting down, all the numbers rolling through the air. French, they're all in French. I am having some major second thoughts but surely, I can't just chicken out now. That would raise too much suspicion.

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