Chapter 23

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A soft purring rumble bleeds through the cracks of Noma's windows; a single bolt of steel grey and electric energy following in its wake. The emerald green of her wall seems to light up something fierce, like freshly polished jewels twinkling under the shine of one's flashlight, or the burning rays of the sun. This phenomena only lasts for a split second and leaves a small purple dot swimming across my vision. Noma hums a small tune, trying to soothe and wash away the awkward paralysis seeping through my body, but I can't feel her fingers tracing light shapes in the scalp of my head, nor can I process the melody which drags through her throat.

"Come on sweetie, talk to me please," Noma curls up close squeezing her body towards mine to the point of our knees brushing together. She raises her hand up hesitantly and then brushes her thumb across the skin of my cheekbone, and down the curve of my cheek. My throat becomes lumpy and I turn away from her soft brown eyes, the downturn of her perfect eyebrows. She rubs at my arms and I curse myself for letting a single tear drip from the corner of my eye. Noma scoots in. "You don't have to tell me about what happened outside, you don't even have to explain why you were out there. But, please don't keep it bottled up, especially what you're feeling. I won't judge no matter the circumstance." It takes a while before Noma moves again, lifting her arm to capture my cold body in the warmth of her embrace. Almost immediately I latch on, tightening my hold around her forearms, squeezing tight. I was afraid, so very afraid.

"My life is changing, and it's happening all at once. First, it had been my type and then my rank, now it's my friends and my environment," Noma presses her forehead to the back of my head and doesn't dare to move. "My parents..." I turn to face her again, her arms still wound around my torso. "My Mama will always be my Mama, that's all I've ever known, but what about the other woman. The one who wanted to be in my life but couldn't? My biological mom."


"And Ezra, god he's something, but I'm not ready. I'm not ready to take on a sub, it's happening to fast and I can't seem to just, why can't I just!" Noma drags me into a firm embrace and I dig my face into the crook of her neck pressing infirm to keep the burning tears at the backs of my lids. My hands scrabble to the woman's back and my chest clenches painfully tight. She shushes soft and comforting.

"Change is always hard no matter the reason, and sometimes it's painful. But one adapts. You are a strong girl, but don't see your strength as something to hide behind. You're human just like the rest of us, it's okay to feel scared and unsure." A choked off noise leaps out of me and I swallow it down with a loud gulp.

"It's okay honey." And the subtle pinch on my brow hits full force, signaling the waterworks and the muffled sobs being smothered by Noma's neck. The woman hugs me closer petting down my hair, and throughout the rest of the night, she doesn't let go, not even once.




A caked-on load of gunk is smeared within the corners of my eyes, sticking my eyelashes together in clumps, and blurring my vision. I drag my fingers across my eyelids and the roots of my eyelashes trying to loosen up some of the crust. There's a firm shake to my body.

"Mistress?" Once the crusties are gone, I open my eyes, my vision bleary and blurry from the lack of use. My eyes adjust.

"Ama." Lithe hands trace the shape of my thighs running up across the swell of my hips, over the curve of my breast. My eyes focus, and I catch the gaze of brown-green orbs, blackened wavy hair which falls in ringlets, lush ruddy lips. Ezra. My body moves trying to wriggle from the caged position of his thighs, but the boy clamps them shut and presses his body to mine, chest to chest, his lips grazing against the underside of my jaw.

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