Chapter 17

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"Ama'Rose!" I shoot up from the tangle of blankets and sheets, heart pounding, chest heaving. Tripping out the bed I run towards the door throwing it open and blinking widely at a disheveled Noma. The woman freaks.

"It's two-forty-seven, and the ball starts at five! You're not dressed, nothing is done! Why are you not dressed?" She says hysterically torpedoing into my room. Her hair is wild and the outfit she has on is barely kempt, wrinkled and messy. The adrenaline coursing through my blood is doing something funky, keeping me rooted to the floor, but also trying to get me to move.

A violent tremor rocks my body and then Noma claps snapping me out of my confusion. This gets me moving, forcing me to rush to my closet to throw open the doors and rummage through the new piles of clothes.

"In and out showers, throw something on, no time for self-makeup I'll call someone to meet us at the shop. Lotion and deodorant can be put on in the car! And don't forget to grab your accessories." Noma rakes through her hair with a thin comb, trying to force her thick hair through the teeth. While she's fuming over that, I quickly jog into the bathroom tearing the pajamas from my body and stepping into the shower without even adjusting the water. It comes out scorching, stinging my skin like little grease pellets. Hissing under my breath I force the nozzle in the opposite direction.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up," Noma chants. I take the bar of soap scraping it over every piece of skin that I can see until little suds start forming. Once I've got a lather going, I abandon the block and work on the strands of my hair. Conditioner was just going to have to work for now. "Shower time is over, come on Rosalita. Mistress Buchanan will have my head if we're late." Trying to rinse your whole body in under thirty seconds is next to impossible. There's still some suds on my legs, but hey what is one to do? With jagged movement I drag the towel over my body until it is semi-dry, and then I sprint out the bathroom, dropping the wet towel. Hopping around I hurriedly try throwing on my underwear in record time.

With a click of her teeth Noma checks her watch again and cries in distress. She scrubs her hands across her face until the skin turns a raw shade.

"No time come on grab your stuff, we gotta go!" Lucky for me, I put my shirt on first. I scoop up my hair stuff, shoving it into the bag that holds my makeup, and then I grab the jewelry tucking it in the make-shift pouch of my shirt. Wrapped tight together, I grab the heels last and with a sense of finality, my feet race after Noma through the hall and down the stairs. I bump into Christian who by the way, looks absolutely dashing in his light pink suit. He gives me a once over, eyes wide and calculating. And then his lips peel back and he's giggling so hard his face blazes, and tiny tears spill past his blonde eyelashes. He bites his lip trying to stifle the sound, but that does little to nothing.

"Keep laughing mister, I'll drag you along and then we'll all be late!" I huff. He smiles pearly white and shakes his head while holding his tummy. Smiling warmly, I step around the boy and resume my hellish pace through the kitchen and out the door, across the lawn barefoot and with no pants. I jump into the Ferrari bumping my shin off the door. I'm not even seated properly when Noma pushes the pedal to the metal and smokes down the street causing it to smell of burnt tires. Clenching my items I make sure nothing flies away, and with a struggle, I situate myself while yanking the seatbelt over my chest and lap.

"Didn't Ezra wake you up? I sent him in and he was in there for a while, I thought you were up?" Pulling the car mirror down, I scoot in closer inserting the lapis earrings. They shimmer as the sun's rays blare down over us. Unlatching the necklace, I lay the cool gems against my skin and then spend a frustratingly long time trying to re-clasp the hook.

"What? No. No one came to wake me up. And I don't understand why I even slept in, I set an alarm as soon as we came back from yesterday. When you told me to." Noma growls at the stirring wheel, her foot pressing against the gas pedal even more.

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