Chapter 1

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"You know I heard about this new club," Nala whispered chewing on the end of her blue Bic pen. "Down on Huston boulevard it's a title-based club, and I know you don't like labeling, but I really think we should check it out." I swivel in my chair scrunching my nose in disdain. I never liked the system and how unjust it always had been.

"Nala, I'm not goin to a system club. They're invasive and downright disgusting," I mumble back. "Plus, they treat Submissives like grade A trash." I fold my arms over my chest tapping my foot against the carpeted flooring. Our professor underlines a sentence, pushing his glasses far up the bridge of his nose.

"Plus, they'd need to know my type and I am not taking the test. Once they have info like'll never leave the system." Nala huffs chewing on her pale pink acrylic nails next and then she cradles her chin in her hands. She taps away at her cheek

"Well this one is doing a new process," Nala reaches into her bag rummaging around until she pulls out her phone. She swipes the screen unlock and tilts the device towards me. "Look here, it says they'll test your blood and you'll get a wrist band according to your type. Not only do they dispose of the test, but it's also kept confidential so there's no way your info can get out." Nala says while swiping through the club's website.

"And I heard it's really respectable and follows the new submissive laws and humane policies. Rosy, this could be your chance of finding out what category you fall under." I swipe a loose curl out of my face and purse my lips. My pencil pauses against my paper.

"I don't want to know which category I fall under," I sigh. "It's better like this. That way if I am a submissive, I won't get caught up in the absurd laws and treatment they go through. And if I'm a switch I won't have to go through mandatory training. I don't want to be somebodies mindless fuck toy who doesn't have a say in anything." Nala clicks her phone off sucking her teeth.

"First of all, training wasn't that bad. Thank you very much. Plus, not every submissive is getting smacked around and mistreated. There are some actual good doms in the world, and secondly you just ignored the whole dom category. You could be dominant."

"Yeah, and how many women are Dominants?" I scoff.

"At least fifteen percent."

"Ten actually." I correct.

"Well, ten percent is ten more than zero percent." I huff pressing against the back of my chair.

The lesson concludes, and I swipe my notebooks into my bag quickly. Nala stands clasping her hands together as her eyes widen. She pushes her bottom lip out and whines.

"Please Ama'Rose it's almost my birthday, and I just wanna spend a fun night with my best friend. I'll never ask you again, just come with me this one night," I sling my bag over my shoulders and roll my eyes so hard they hurt. Nala bites her lip trying to contain her hopeful giddiness. "Come on Rosy please." She follows me out of the room and down the marble stairs of our campus's main wing. Fast on my heels and clenching the worn material of my faded orange coat. I clench my hands into tight fists.

"This is the only time Nalani Johnson and after we go to this club no more. That is final." The girl squeals hopping around me in joyous mirth. Her black glossy hair whips around my face as a warm laugh pushes through her mouth.

"Oh, thank you thank you!" She sings clasping my hands to tug me down the remaining stairs. Her excitement bleeds out as she rattles off the plan for tonight, outfits, different food joints in the place, the services allowed. It's too much for me to keep up with.

"Nala you need to chill," She doesn't seem as if she heard me and continues her chatter growing louder as her excitement escalates. "Nala." God once this girl started she never stopped. I rubbed my brow as a faint throb began to build in the back of the skull.


"Do you think we should eat before we go, club food is expensive..."

"Nala. Calm. Down." I hiss firmly. It's clear by the tone of my voice that I'm annoyed and It's clear by the way Nala reacts that she too can pick up on the annoyance. She immediately stops moving, planted firm to her spot on the sidewalk. Her pink lips purse together, and her pupils dilate wide as a small whimper trickles from her vocals. Ah shit. The woman's head bows and a small tremor snakes through her legs, I grab her quick shushing gently.

"Nala I'm sorry," I say low and slow. I pet her hair a few times as a shuddered breath heaves through her chest. "Sorry." She shakes her head clenching her forehead as she groans.

"S'not your fault, I'm just sensitive." I rub her arms and she pushes into the touch sighing through her nose.

"You might be a switch," She jokes. "Or a strong headed Sub." I pinch her arm and she squeals.

"Uh-huh," I say. Nala looks up at me laughing goofy.

"If you are a Dom Ama'Rose, I call dibs on being your first scene." She loops our arms together batting her eyelashes up at me.

"Shut up," I mumble rolling my eyes. "even if I was a Dom for all we know I could be rank E, you know I read somewhere that Submissive rank S is equivalent to Dom rank E..." I rub my chin drawing my brows in. "Huh, never mind, I think I'm thinking about switches." Nala shrugs.

"I read a biography of a woman dominatrix, and she was S rank," Nala cups her cheeks blushing with a dreamy look on her face. "She wrote about how her biology limited her sex life, you know because of compatibility and shit. Apparently, S Doms can only scene and play with S Subs, bummer I know." She pouts. We walk across the street to the dorms.

"S is the highest rank, and personally I hate that S rank can only be with S rank." I swipe my keycard and the door pops unlock, Nala is quick to push the metal door open.

"Technically SS is the highest. And you shouldn't get salty because of biology I'm sure S rank has it really hard." I correct pushing the door shut behind me. Nala scoffs skipping down the hall after my room.

"SS is a myth, it literally does not exist."

"There is a three percentile of SS subs and Doms," I dig into my pocket searching for my key as Nala rocks on the balls of her feet. "just because a percentage is low doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah I know," Nala barrels into our room and flings herself onto her bed. "Now go get changed so we can go get some food and check this club out."


So this is my first time doing a story like this. I'm not an expert at BDSM relationships and I have to do a lot of research, but I 'm quite excited to write this story. Any information about these topics etc is greatly appreciated thanks. This story will be published weekly just to see how much attention it gets if it begins to get more noticed I'll update twice a week and so on.

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