Chapter 5

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The alarm on my phone echoes throughout the small room piercing the sleep from my mind. I turn away from the wall reaching for my phone blindly.

"Ama'Rose turn that off!" I pat my dresser fervently searching for the device. When my fingers finally knock against the cool surface of my screen, I scoop up my phone dragging the alarm notification off. I squint my eyes at the screen as I check through my notifications. Pushing myself up on the comforter I slide down on my phone skimming through the recent messages and emails. Seeing a large number of notifications seems to clear my mind from the grogginess. I sit up immediately swinging my legs over the edge.

"Nala—" I feel my breath catch in my throat as I pad through multiple emails from people I've never met before. I open a few which mention my life, asking about my recently discovered typing, asking about why I didn't try and find it out sooner. One of the most recent emails is from a news broadcasting station, they want me on their network. My phone slips out of my hand bouncing on the mattress and onto the floor with a loud clatter.

"Nalani Johnson why are my emails flooded with...with messages from lord knows everyone!" She sits up slow looking down at my phone with wide quavering eyes. She opens and shuts her mouth unsure of what to say.

"Nala what is going on?" Nalani yanks her covers off her body and scrambles to her feet she snatches my phone up swiping furiously with a look of worry on her face. When she finally finishes she gently places the device back on my nightstand and brings her acrylic nails up to her mouth to gnaw at them. She's gently trembling.

"I-I don't," She drags her hand through her hair catching the sleek black knots with her fingers. "I didn't or at least I didn't mean to." She whimpers tugging the bottom of her t-shirt. Her creamy legs are clenched together tightly.

"What the actual fuck?" I yell beating down on my bed. It takes a while for me to detangle myself from the blankets, but after a heated session of tugging and yanking I get free. Standing up from the mattress I press in close peering down at Nalani with a burning fury in my body.

"What. Did. You. Do?" She covers her face with her hands dropping to her knees with a low cry.

"I didn't mean to Rosy. Yesterday I just, I posted a blog update asking for information. Stuff on doming I d-didn't use any names, so I don't know how anyone found out it was you."

"Well, they found out some way! Did you mention my type?"

"...Yes," Her head flops back onto her bed and her hand finally drops away from her eyes to reveal pink glossy orbs. "But I never mentioned your name, no one knew... no one knew." God do I want to scream and yank the strands of my hair right from the root.

"Ezra knew, the bartender knew, you knew, our uber driver knew, and the woman who let us into the goddamn club knew. That's a lot more than no one and now everyone is gonna know Nalani, everyone! I asked you to not tell anyone, I didn't want publicity. Nalani this could be the beginnings," I pull her head down so she's staring me directly in the eyes. "the beginnings of the end." She openly cries now baring her neck which slowly fills with red coloring. I shake my head down at her gripping the curve of her arm and hauling her up onto wobbly legs.

"Let's go." I toe under my bed knocking against the softness of my slippers, I don't even wait for them to comfortably fit my toes. The door is opened in record time, Nalani in her pajamas and barefooted and the oversized t-shirt drooping past my thighs resting just barely over my knees. There are a few girls hovering outside of our door whispering to one another when they see us, or is it me? Then again, I'd have a whole fit if I too had found out some S ranker was occupying a room in the same dorm house as me.

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