Chapter 38

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Holy shit, what time was it? How long have I been here? Jean and Pierre are still going at it strong without any visible signs of stopping, talking about anything and everything no matter in French or English. Irene's magically disappeared giving the half-assed excuse that she promised a dance to some lucky chap, and Charlotte is barely keeping her smokey-lids open. I groan to myself as Pierre perks up about another topic prompting the other to enthusiastically contribute. God, they reminded me so much of my Mama and those damn friends she'd randomly run into at the worst of times. I had to get out of here.

"Charlotte?" I push. The woman jumps in her spot before fixing herself. She shoots me a smile.


"Where's your bathroom?" Her eyes narrow playfully before motions to the door.

"Down the hall, you can't miss it." I waste no time in excusing myself to trek out the ballroom and down the ruby halls of Charlotte's estate. It takes me a long while of walking down the long-stretched hall, my eyes tracing the large crystal windows. I slow down my walking pace as my attention is stolen.

"Oh, oh wow!" I exclaim to myself, stopping completely. To my left are huge glass doors which frame the whole of Charlotte's Garden. They reach higher than Irene's and have this green metal twisted over them which forms lovely shapes. Peeking behind me once, I grab the door's handle and push it open slowly letting the night air bleed into the hall. Immediately I unstrap my heels letting the cold stone of her steps cool the blisters and aches from the shoes. This place was beautiful, with its high rising fountain and beds of flowers and plants. I bunch the bottom of my skirt up and skip down the stairs towards the fountain. Leaning over I peer into the water watching as light pink and white petals float across the surface. I lean a little closer trying to guess the flower they've come from.

"They're peony petals." I jump up so fast clutching my heart as it races against my ribcage.

"Shit!" I curse spinning towards the voice. Donovan smiles back covering his mouth with his hand. "Make some noise when you walk." I groan taking a deep breath. He raises both his hands in a surrendering manner.

"Sorry Miss Amanita'Rose, I hadn't meant to frighten you." My dress slips from out my fingers and comes tumbling down to the ground. I ignore it and take a seat on the edge of the fountain. Donovan motions to the empty spot next to me, and I give him the okay.

"What are you doing out here if you don't mind me asking?" He says crossing his legs. I turn my body around dipping my feet into the water.

"I'm taking a bathroom break." I respond. Donovan picks up a strand of his hair and twists it between his fingers before letting the red hair flutter back down to rest on his chest.

"A bathroom break outside Miss?"

"Guess I made a wrong turn somewhere? Oopsies." He huffs letting his body lean backward.

"How devious what you did," He says raising a finger towards me. "Leaving me back there to not only uphold my side of the conversation but yours as well." His accent is very refined sounding very elegant and genteel. Snorting I kick a few of the flower petals away with my foot causing the water in the fountain to ripple

"I'm sorry kind sir, but this lady truly had to use the bathroom." This time he lets his head fall back and a laugh that rocks his body comes tumbling out.

"Is that what we sound like?" I shrug letting my lip gently pull upward.

"More or less, but mainly Irene and your sister." He crosses his arms and sighs.

"Damn it all, and I had thought I perfected mine." He says.

"Maybe next year." I joke chuckling. Donovan lifts his knee and rests his chin against it, watching me from behind his curtain of red hair. I flex my toes in the water.

"What brings you here to France Miss? I heard that you have recently been acclimating to S life. Wouldn't it be a bit easier to adjust fully before traveling somewhere outside of your home?" He asks. I nod in agreement.

"I didn't come willingly; I mean Irene conjured up a pink contract and the lady of my house kinda just sent me away with her. Didn't ask me about it or even talk to me about it." Donovan perks up letting his mouth drop slightly.

"Wait, wait, wait. Are you Ezra's Dom?" I frown blinking slowly.


"Oh, dear. You're the one he ran off with! My sister told me about the gala incident and how Irene stopped the story from circulating. Apparently, all she asked for in return was for a contract. But that's not all. I heard them both talking about what had transpired and Irene had mentioned something about a social execution if a certain someone didn't accept her proposition," He says quickly nodding along. Something in his gaze seems to click and then the sub is scoffing in disbelief. He turns his body fully towards me. "My god, you and Ezra? Your first sub is Ezra Wellington are you masochistic?" I push his shoulder glaring at him.

"Watch it, he's working on himself."

"I'm sorry," He says genuinely. "But taking him as your first shows you're strong. I've met that boy and he's something else I can tell you that much." I offer him a small smile and Donovan grins back widely.

"How long is your contract then?" Asking for a friend." He hums.

"Umm, I actually don't know...permanent?" The ginger splutters coughing into his hand. I pat him on his back, rubbing the bunched black material of his suit, trying to stop his choking,

"P-permanent? Are you a madwoman? Surely you know there are other people in the world, right?" I click my tongue shrugging nonchalantly.

"It's because we bonded." I say. Donovan tumbles into another coughing fit and I roll my eyes laughing.

"Jesus! Are you alright with this?" I nod.

"Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good about it now. I mean don't get me wrong in the beginning I was shitting myself. I didn't know what I had gotten myself into, but now... now I just feel at ease about it all. Like this is it."

"That's quite the change of heart in such a short time." Donovan says while he searches my face. After a few seconds, he reaches up and tucks the newly loosened strands of his hair right behind his ear

"Compatibility is no joke." I offer. He hums in acknowledgment and then stands from the fountain holding his hand towards me.

"I saw you dancing earlier and never got the chance to ask," I stare at his hand before sliding mine into his palm. He then quickly slides his hands to my waist, hoisting me up and spinning me into a small circle before placing my wet feet against the ground I laugh softly. "It's quite unfair though." He whispers to me as I wind my arms around his neck.

"Hmm?" He smiles down at me.

"Ezra's found a beautiful gem, and now he's locked her up to keep all to himself." Donovan dips me making the curls on my shoulders fall away.

"I guess he has. Hasn't he?"

"Indeed." And the ginger mourns during our brief time together. 

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