Chapter 4

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"Good boy."

Ezra freezes solid and firm in his position, awaiting a command awaiting something anything. But I hold my mouth shut and just watch him. What was I supposed to do? I grip the counter with my chest heaving and a sudden overwhelming sense of dread. How could I dominate him when I didn't know a damn thing about dominating? I never attended the mandatory schooling for types.

"I-I," The static feeling disappears all too soon leaving me hollowed and sick. "I can't m'sorry." Ezra looks up at me with that far away look on his face and the beginnings of a frown.

"What?" He halls back onto his feet slowly as if trying not to scare me away. Ever so quietly I move to the left side of the bar trying to escape him. "Wait!" He cries stumbling to his feet. His legs shake as he tries to follow after me, sadly he doesn't get too far and trips into the counter with a painful grimace.

"I can't do this, not right now." I tell him. Ezra tussles his hair with jittery hands leaving the strands sticking up in every-which-way. The boy's chest begins to rise quickly. Clenching his hands Ezra huffs silently to himself.

"What is it?" He asks. He looks around the room at the jumping bodies and sweaty skin. Drags those hazel orbs across bond chest, and collared throats, almost in the nude men and woman. He turns back quickly latching onto my hand.

"Is it the area? Do you want to go somewhere more private?" Ezra nods towards the back area where VIP lounge and he sighs deep relaxing his muscles. "There's a back room we can scene in but FYI if you brought anything from home such as toys," He mumbles. "Or collars, you can't leave them and club rules state: No gifts of any form." And now it really settles in the pit of my stomach. A one-night stand. A one-night stand with the only S ranked male submissive in America.

"I didn't come here to collar anyone," I state matter of fact. Ezra glowers at that. "And I didn't come to play or scene." The bartender slinks back in sly and smooth, he places his rag down and breaks the tension.

"Can I get you anything—" Ezra holds his hand up cutting the man off. There's a subtle blush rising up his neck and I can't tell if it's from his previous lust or the soon rising embarrassment. Wiping my palms down my dress, my head bops towards the dance floor searching for my friend. Where did she go? And when would she make an appearance to rescue me? The hanging lights of the club flash painting Ezra's face with dark shades and sharp contouring. He looks absolutely menacing.

"What do you mean?" He presses on.

"I can't...with you," Now I really need to leave. Laying a few bills on the counter of the bar and with a deep exhalation, I address the submissive. "I know this might be my fault for instigating the—situation but, I really didn't intend to dominate you or anyone from tonight. I'm just not qualified to take any subs right now, whether that be a one-time scene or a fully committed relationship." Ezra has this dumbfounded look etched into his features. It morphs quickly into sheer panic.

"Do you need something, like an assistant or an audience," I leave the bar and Ezra follows me straight into the bumping bodies, and the thick smell of sweat. He grabs at my wrist wrapping his thin fingers around the skin tight enough to indent. "Is it your kinks, because if so I won't judge if you don't." He smirks trying to come off as playful, but the fear of being rejected is buzzing deep within and his smile is more of a cringe.

"Listen, I'm trying to help you." I say practically yelling over the music. The boy slides his hands up to my shoulders and sways to the beat ignoring me and my not so subtle attempts at escaping.

"Ama'Rose!" Nala comes over hugging me, pushing Ezra out the way in the process. He stumbles.

"I was waitin for you!" Ezra glares at Nala crossing his arms over his chest while bouncing his leg. He clears his throat and the girl sizes him up with a calculating look. I can tell her gears are spinning.

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