Chapter 33: What's funny, Babe?

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Jeremy POV

"What's that?"

I asked as I dry my hair with a towel. I raise an eyebrow at Laila when I saw her pulling some boxes. She then glance at me, her eyes widen as she stares at me but it was quickly replaced by annoyance. Her signature expression on me.

"Oh my god!" I heard a female voice. I looked around to see where it came from and saw two staff from Laila's team. One I recognize as Mia.

The two of them turned around quickly and I had to tilt my head in confusion. I look back to Laila, she the points at me and that's when I realize that I'm still half naked with only a towel covering my bottom part.

"I think we came at a wrong time."

"Yeah, sorry Laila."

"It's not what you think" Laila tried to explain. She gave me another deathly glares of her.

I quickly ran to the bedroom escaping her looks. I manage to get dressed in no time just in case. After a few more minutes I went out. The two visitors are finally gone now. I went beside Laila as she opens one of the box.

"You just made this tour a whole lot complicated for me. I probably won't hear the end of it." she snapped at me.

"Sorry I forgot." I tried to apologize.

She ignore me as she continues going through stuff inside the box.

"What's all that?" I asked.

"Gifts from fans." she answered, "Most of them are foods anyway or just random things. You have no idea how many boxes I have now."

"I'll ask Gin to get it for you. How many trips you still have to go?"

She stop as she thinks it through, "Five more I think? My last tour will end by next month for sure."

Next month?

She'll be gone for that long. It was a good thing that I have some business here while she's here at the same time. Mars had a hard time finding out her schedule. Tina made sure to keep things in secret regarding her schedule because of some reported paparazzi following Laila and I commed her for doing that though ot still is no match for me.

I watched as Laila ransack through the gifts. It is satisfying to see her eyes sparks in delight with each gift. I jusy wished she would looked at me the same way. She then opened a box containing chocolates and I can see that sweet triump as she took a bite at one.

"You should taste this," she shoved a chocolate inside my mouth before I can even protest. She looked at me with a satisfied expression as she waits for me to say something.

I chew on the chocolate and I must say it was delicious. The perfect taste for Laila. Laila's eyes dance in joy as she sees my reaction.

"What brand is this?" she muttered as she reads the details written in the box.

"We should eat dinner first before you devour that. You might get a stomach ache like last time." I reminded her.

She made a grunted noise.

"Fine. I guess I'll wash up as well." she got up and went to the bedroom.

I laughed at her silly reaction. I put some things back inside the big box. Most of the contents are letters and random stuff I know she'll likes.

While she's still in the bathroom I already ordered our foods. I then opened my laptop to read some contracts as I wait. I hadn't notice time pass I was so engrossed with the documents I'm reading until I hear Laila's sweet voice.

"You already ordered food." she said. She opened the door to receive our order as I watch her.

I saw her laugh at what the guy said and I can't help but get annoyed. I immediately shut down my laptop and went beside. I put on my most intimidating look as I stand beside my girlfriend who is still laughing. Upon seeing me, the smile on the guy's face disappear.

"What's funny, Babe" I hissed.

"Nothing" Laila finally calm down and went back.

After paying I followed Laila as she arrange our food. She motion for me to join her as she starts digging in already.

"What got you so occupied that you didn't hear someone knocking?" she inquire after a few bites.

"Just some business contracts." I answered.

She made a 'hmm' sound while she nodds her head. She continue to eat and I can't help but chuckle at how cute she looks right now especially with her oversized shirt and her hair in messy bun.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" she suddenly asked after a few minutes.

I stared at her. The food I was about to eat stopped midway to my mouth.

Did I hear her correctly?

I blink a few times making sure it was still Laila who I am speaking with. Laila had never been the one to ask me that ever since we met again.

My heart race.

"I actually had until the next day to relax since the booksigning is done. I was planning on staying here inside the hotel for the duration but I doubt that will still be a good idea considering you are here." she explained averting her gaze on me.

I can see the redness in her cheeks for the first time again.

"I have to meet Tan at breakfast. You can come if you want. It won't take long anyway. Then if you like we can go to any place you want." I contained the joy I'm feeling right now.

All I want is to jump around and scream 'hell yeah!' though it wouldn't be a good idea as I might just scare Laila thinking I'm a freak.

Laila considered my offer for a moment.

"Okay." she finally agree.

I don't know what happened but our night continued smoothly. We didn't have an argument as we converse and talk about random things. This is the first time Laila doesn't lash out at me for every minute. I wished this would continue on.

Laila got to bed early as I decided to continue to work I left. About an hour later I felt tired so I went inside the bedroom. I was surprised to see Laila still awake. Her eyebrows in a frown as she furiously type on her laptop.

"You're wearing glasses?" I noticed as I went to my side of the bed.

"Only when my eyes hurt." she answered.

"Had you already went to an eye doctor?"

"Yes. Don't worry my eyes are fine."

She then stop typing and looked at me as if she's waiting for an answer to a question she asked to me.

"I ran out of ideas." she pouted.

I chuckled which earn a glare from her. "How about you take a rest now."

"I was about to earlier but then an idea pops into my head. But now I don't know anymore and I'm in a middle of a scene here." she complained to me.

I grabbed her laptop and put it on the bedside table.

"Ofcourse you'll ran out of idea. Both your mind and body are tired. So sleep now and just continue it tomorrow." I told her with a stern voice.

She took off her eyeglass and then gets comfy in the bed. I fixed the blanket on her,making sure she is covered well.

"I'll get you a glass of water already just incase you wake up later." I went out of the room to get her a water.

I should have expected what I'll see when I came back.

Laila had already fallen asleep. I put the glass on her side of the table. I brushed some hair away from her face as I lean down and kiss her forehead. My lips touching her skin light as feather so I won't wake her up.

"Sweet dreams my love."

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