Chapter 27 : That young lady belongs to me

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Laila POV

I watched as reporters surrounded Mortez and Monica. I can feel the deathly glares they both are sending me but I don't care. That's what they get for messing with me.

"Tell me again what we are doing here?" I asked as we walked around.

Jeremy sighed," Nate would be mad at us-" I gave him a look. "I mean will be mad at me if I failed to attend this event. Besides you get to do what you wanted to do."

"Do I have to come with you to every party you must attend? It's not like Tan would be here." I said though I did expect that incident with Monica.

As soon as the news was released she managed to dodge and have that girl receive all the blame. So knowing she'd be here made me agree to come along with Jer.

"Yes, because as far as everyone's knowledge the two of us are together so it is only proper you are with me," Jeremy said with a smug look.

Mars suddenly appeared and gave Jeremy a box. 

"I almost forgot." Jeremy made me turn and wear a necklace. "Suits you. Now, we have to greet the host."

We made a beeline to where Nate was. Upon seeing Jeremy, he excused himself from some old men he was talking with and greeted us. Nate eyed me from head to toe before giving Jeremy the same bro hug they always did during college.

"You're finally here. I thought you would ditch me again." Nate turned and took my right hand kissing the back of it. "Laila, nice seeing you again. You are still a beauty though it's been years since I saw you."

Jeremy quickly took my hand away and glared at Nate who only seemed amused by Jer's action. "Though you are my friend, I wouldn't hesitate to punch you if you do that again."

"Such a good friend you are. Anyway Laila, may I borrow Jeremy for a while? There are some businessmen who would like to talk to him." Nate gave me a charming smile. I just nod in agreement. 

"Oh, and I already took care of those people," he said to me with a wink before leading Jer away.

Jeremy promised he'd be back soon before following Nate. I look around me feeling out of place. I decided to walk around, passing by some glass ornament when I caught a glimpse of myself. The necklace that Jeremy put on me shines as lights hits it. A simple chained necklace with a small diamond that looks like a snowflake.  

"I never imagined you would be here" a very familiar voice whispered at my side.

I froze. Please let it be not who I think it is. Slowly I turned to my side and came face to face with the last person I wished to see.



"Let me remind you of that item you promised to give for this night's auction," Nate said as we walked.

"Yes, Nate. You don't have to remind me of that. I'm a man of my word." I gruffed

"Coming from you. Need I remind you of those multiple times you broke your promises to me? If it weren't for that I wouldn't be able to get that item from you." Nate had a smirk on his face. "What's the deal with it anyway? You never told us why you just have that stash away when it causes so much value."

"Why are you so interested in it then?" I counter.

"Well for starters that's the last of its kind and second just imagine the amount it will gather from these guys who would want to give it as a gift to their mistress." he amusingly said

"I'm starting to regret my decision now." I sighed.

"Don't worry my friend, you are helping me a lot with it. I'll take it to my grave as a token of your gratitude." Nate express.

If I had just known that it would be the cost, I would have not put aside that meeting with Nate. Now I regretted everything. I look back to see  Laila but she's gone.

"Gentlemen, I believe everyone knows Mr. Malarkey." Nate introduce. I shake hands with the old guys putting on my business expression.

"Mr. Malarkey. Pleasure finally meeting you. I heard you acquired business with Tan." 

I smirk. Ofcourse they will bring that up.

"Nothing is certain yet. There is still a lot to talk about." I answered.

"Yes, ofcourse. You must be careful though I doubt you'll have any problem with that deal." he hesitated at first but continued, "Though, I did hear about Mortez. I never guess he would stoop that low."

"He did ruin a person's life with what he did. Now everyone is probably talking about it. He messed with a well-known person." another stated.

"Ah alas! Let us talk of our own agenda. Jeremy can deal with that on his own." Nate injected. 

The talk now focused on the project we all worked on. I had no idea how long it was going on until someone uttered, "Is that Vincent?"

"Who is he talking to?"

I followed their gaze and my fist automatically clenched.

I watch as Laila talks to Vincent who has a funny look in his eyes. He keeps looking at Laila in a way that makes my blood boil.

"Jer, you okay?" Nate put a hand on my shoulder as the old guys continued to talk.

"What is he doing here?" 

"The young lady must be with him."

"She seems familiar."

I heard Nate let out a laugh, "That young lady is a friend of mine."

"Really, Can you introduce her to my son? She seems like the type my son would like to date with."

"I don't think that will be a good idea, you see-" Nate tried to explain but I cut him off. 

"That young lady belongs to me," I growled.

I left them without a word and made my way towards Laila.  Her back is on me so I can't see her expression. At some point, I made eye contact with Vincent but he didn't seem to faze.

I stopped on my track seeing Laila fall in his arms.

I can feel the blood rising to my head.

I hated seeing Laila in another man's arms. I quicken my pace.

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