Chapter 49: You will forget....

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"Why are you meeting with Brian?" Jer asked.

I couldn't look at him in the eyes, knowing he'll figure something out which is what I don't want to happen. He'll definitely make a big deal out of it and what if I'm wrong. I just want things to be done silently without making much attraction to myself. Just having Jeremy is already a pain to me.

"You're thinking of what lie you are going to tell?" I flinched at his remark. He knows me so well.

"What are you talking about? Can't I have a normal business with him?" I attempted in changing the topic. 

He's not convinced but dropped the subject knowing I won't tell him anything. 

"I'll just go back home now since I'm done with my purpose of going out," 

He glared at with as I evade answering his questions but did nothing as take a long sigh and offer to give me a ride home which I didn't refuse. I clutched my bag where the flash drive is, I'm getting more anxious about what I might discover and Brian's word lingers in my mind.

"Tell Jeremy about it"

I sneak a glance at Jer from time to time. 

"-la, Laila!" 


"We're here?" there was a worried look on his face, "Are you okay?"

I looked out and saw the familiar parking lot of my building, "Yeah, there was just a lot to be done lately."

I hurriedly collected my things and bid farewell to him as I got off the car and went to the elevator without looking back at him. 

Once I get to my unit I'll immediately check what is inside the flash drive and get to the bottom of things. The elevator door opens and I let the people get off first, and as I was taking a step back I bump into something.

"What are you still doing here?" I questioned the person I thought had left long ago.

He gave a sheepish smile, "I just thought you might want my company so I followed you. Besides, I haven't been inside your apartment."

My reply was cut off as he leads me inside the elevator, "Which floor?"

I pressed my floor button and stared at him, "Why do you even need to go inside?"

"So I can check if it is a safe place" he answered me.

I flinched at his words. Did he know something? 

He can't, I've only told about the matter to Brian recently and even he couldn't have known anything for sure without doing a much thorough investigation. But even if Jer knows something, he'll definitely make me move out or do something, so maybe he's just saying things right now.

I lead him to my unit and as we got inside, he's like a puppy wagging his tail as he looks around my place.

"Why the hell do you look like that?" I asked as I got more irritated by his look. I went to a cabinet and took a pair of inside slippers giving them to him to wear.

"Can't I be happy being inside of my girlfriend's place?" he said as he changed into the slipper.

"Well whatever, I don't have much, I can only offer a cup of coffee," I told him as I placed my things on a table and went into the kitchen. 

I was busy preparing when suddenly I felt hands on my waist and then Jer was hugging me from behind. His head is on my shoulder as he nuzzles on my neck which he always does.

A Writer's BillionaireOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz