Chapter 16: My boyfriend got himself drunk.

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"You have got to be kidding me!"

I half shrieked when I finally saw myself in the mirror. My outfit is revealing too much though it still looks decent enough I still find it too much. I'm wearing a supposed crop top but it looks more like a bralette to me. The short is alright but I'm revealing the skin of my abdomen that I like to be covered.

"Damn! Laila, I didn't know you are this sexy." Clarisse commented.

"There is no way in hell I'm going out in these clothes." I tried to go back inside the changing room and change but Tiana walked into my room and stopped me.

"You look amazing. We need to go now" she said as she pushed me out of the room.

"I can't go out like this."

"Why?" Tiana asked.

Clarisse was the one to answer, "She actually doesn't wear this kind of clothes."

"But she looks absolutely fantastic. I don't see why? Clothes like this are normal." Of course, for her, less clothing would be normal.

I tried to protest but she practically dragged me out to the studio. Clarisse was no help. I can sense she is liking everything about this situation. What a good friend she is. I will really punch her after this.

The moment I walk into the studio I can feel all eyes on me. Especially Jer who literally drop the cup he is holding. Thank goodness there was nothing left inside or else we'll have to wait until the mess gets cleaned up which means I'll have to stay in these clothes longer than I would like.

"Do you really have to wear that?" Jer practically growled at me. He's fuming red, the way his face will turn whenever something annoys him.

"They force me. You think I'll actually volunteer to wear this?" I told him.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. I just stared at him until they showed us the sample shot of what we had to do.

It is now my turn to pinch my nose seeing the photo. Too much skin contact as we have to be close to each other like really close.

"Let's get this over with that you'll have to change out of that clothes if you can still call it that," Jer said positioning himself behind me. His hands wrap around my waist.

The moment I felt his touch shiver run down my spine. I put my hands over his making sure he's not touching what he's not supposed to. My head looking over him that I feel his breath on my right ear.

"Don't like this too much. This is the only time we'll be this close." I whisper to him.

"Don't act like you don't like this too my love." He replied.

"Can someone please fix Laila's hair? I think it would look better if we tie it." Clarisse suggested that I sent her death glares.

"Wear this" Jer handed me a white polo shirt. He puts it over not fastening the buttons.

Tiana tries to object but Jer just told her something I didn't get because I was busy shutting my brain off.

"Your boyfriend is protective of you." The stylist said to me as Jer continues to argue with Tiana.

"He's not my boyfriend" I simply answered.

"You may fool yourselves but not me. I can see it, the way he looks at you and move around you. It's like you two are magnets."

I was going to question her about her statement but Jer came back. He seem satisfied with himself as we began shooting again. This time Jer and I have to stand close to each other. Our eyes locked and at that moment we forgot the people around us.

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