Chapter 12: Why are you doing this to Henry?

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Laila POV

Three days had passed and the issue about Henry won't die down as expected. The owner of the hotel released a video of Henry where it looks like he is taking advantage of some female staff.

"Are you ready?" Tina said to me. I nodded my head before following her into the parking lot. Most of my fans at the event had been asking about Henry knowing his a close friend of mine though I highly doubt that most of them are paparazzi in disguise just to get some scoop out of me.

As we are waiting I heard a loud laugh and voices talking.

"That's what he gets for yelling at me." a female voice said. "He should have known this is coming. How dare he humiliate me like that."

"Well I heard he's a close friend of that b*tch. " another said. "Your uncle must be powerful to be able to do that to a famous director."

There was a shrill laugh, "Of course, especially now that the Malarkey group will be his business partner. No one will dare to say anything against him."

"Then you'll be able to see Jeremy now." the other replied.

"Let's go." Tina interrupts listening to the two girls talking. I took a glance at the girls and got a confirmation that they are the ones who got Henry in trouble.

The whole ride was quiet. Tina had stopped talking to me seeing I wasn't paying any attention. We were halfway when an idea came into my mind."Can we go to the Malarkey office?"

Tina was obviously stunned by my request, "Why?"

"I just had an idea on how to help Henry." I pleaded. Tina narrowed her eyes at me first. She's looking at me as if I had suddenly grown a second head.

"Fine" she finally agreed. When we arrived, Tina stayed in the car saying I can do whatever I think of by myself.

Against all that I have said ever since coming back here, I am here standing inside Malarkey's Group building. And to make it worse is that, I am here to ask a favour from the devil himself.

I won't make the same mistake so instead of heading straight to his office, I stopped by the reception area at the lobby first. The girl, Mia was busy typing on her computer when I cough to get her attention.

"Hi, is Mr Malarkey here?" I asked her.

She gave me nervous smile, "Do you have an appointment?"

"No but can you tell that Laila Condes is here." I tried.

She bit down her lower lip before dialling Jeremy's secretary. "Sorry but his EA won't answer. I don't know if Mr Malarkey is available at the moment."

"I'll just go to his office then-"

"NO!" She almost yelled at me. She looked around before ushering me to come closer to her. "Sorry Miss but that would be a very bad idea. Mr Malarkey had his weird tantrums today and if you go up there and he got angry who knows who'll be sent home next."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if he's in a bad mood anyone who displeased him will be sent home immediately. And not just one but everyone can get fired at just a snap. I remember the whole team on the 14th floor got fired and that was five years ago the very first tantrum. So right now forgive us if we are all very careful because the tiniest mistake will go unnoticed." Mia explained to me.

That was something I didn't know. But still, I need to go ahead and try. "Thanks for the concern but I don't think he'll be sending people home if he sees me."

I went ahead despite her protest. It was a nerve-wracking ride on the elevator to his floor and the moment I got there, I was almost hit by a flying folder.

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