Part 39

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(Next day)
Today Mal and Uma are spending the day together planning the wedding

Mal: what kind of cake would be good

To have

Uma: what about vanilla 

Mal: or hear me out strawberry

Uma: my flower not everybody 

likes strawberries 

Mal: I guess you're right

Uma: how about a rainbow cake 

it's colorful and good

Mal: I like that idea 

Uma: really 

Mal: yeah know on to other things who are we inviting

Uma: well my mom and sisters and of course yours 

Mal: Cj, Harriet, and Harry

Uma: along with Dizzy, Celia, Carla, and Carlo

Mal: Freddy and Hailey

Uma: Regina and Killain 

Mal: Belle, Blue, and Alex

Uma: Henry, Emma, and the charmings too I guess 

Mal: Ruby and granny 

Uma: Cruella and Jafar

Mal: don't forget Evie, Jay, Carlos

Uma sighed and pulled away

Uma: love they hurt you why invite them

Mal: because their parents are going I want them there

Uma: fine but I don't like it

Mal nodded kissing Uma's lips

Mal: now onto color

Uma: purple and royal blue

Mal: yeah I can picture it

Celia then came running into the room

Celia: guys aunt Regina and uncle killain are here

Mal and Uma smiled

Mal: thank you Celia

The three of them left the room and headed downstairs

Regina walked over and gave Mal and Uma a hug

Regina: How are is the planning going

Mal: it's going ok auntie

Regina: I'm glad and how are you doing Uma

Uma: fine auntie how is your daughter doing

Regina sigh turning her head away

Uma: that bad

Regina: grounded in defiantly

Mal and Uma nodded

Mal: Auntie Regina can you come with me

and the guys to pick out a dress please

Regina smiled and nodded

Regina: of course I would  

Mal: great that's great

Uma chuckled and wrapped her arm around around Mal's waist

Uma: breath my love breath

Regina: your anxious I get it I was the way

When I was getting married to Killain

Mal: really

Descendants 2 twist and Once Upon A Time crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now