part 22

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Everyone looked at mal
Zevon: hello mal
Mal: what do you want zevon
Zevon: I want you to know
I know where you are
Mal: if you know then where
Am I
Zevon: you are at the mayor office
Mal walked over to the window
Mal: do you have someone
Following me
Zevon: actually I do
Look to your left
Mal looked to her left
And saw a dirty looking
Mal: zevon why don't you meet
Me in front of granny's diner
In a minute
Zevon: ok see you soon
Mal hanged up
Uma: mal you ok
Mal: yeah i'm fine
Ursula: no your not
Your shaking
Uma: mal what did you
See outside because for
One you don't shake unless
You see something that scares
Mal: look
Cj looked outside and turned
To mal left and saw a clown
Cj: shit there's a dirty looking clown
Mal: I need to get
To granny's diner in
A minute just great
Uma: magic us there
Mal: ok but it all of
You come i'm not going
To promise you that it's
Going to be pretty
Uma: that's fine
Mal magic them outside
Of granny's diner
Zevon: finally you made it
Oh looks like you brought
Your pirate crew and the
Rotten three
Uma: you messed with the wrong
Girl zevon
Mal: bring it on
Zevon bring it on
Zevon: if you say so
Mal pulled out her her
Sword and Zevon pulled
Out his sword
Cj: well he's dead
Ursula: why is that
Uma: you see mal has
Been sword fighting since she
Was one
Lily: makes sense
Mal and Zevon continue to
Fight and mal is winning
Zevon: wait
Mal: what
Zevon pulled out a remote
Mal: zevon
Mal backed away and
Then zevon pressed the
Big red button mal fell
To the floor screaming
While holding her ears
Uma: zevon stop
Zevon: why
Cj: your hurting her
Zevon: so what she was
The one that hurt me
Sierra: no she wasn't
She told you she doesn't
Like you in any way
Mal: mommy make it stop
Please make it stop
Maleficent: hey i'm right here
It's ok it's ok
Harriet: stop it zevon
Zevon: no
Evie: Uma do it
Uma: with pleasure
Uma whipped her
Tentacle and hit the remote
Out of zevon hand the remote
Fell on the ground and broke
Zevon: no
Cj: one more thing Sierra
Hold him in place please
Sierra wrapped her tentacle
Around zevon and Cj pulled out
Her sword
Cj: in red queen's own words
Regina eyes widen
Uma, Harriet and Evie: uh oh
Cj: off with the your head
Cj cut zevon's head off from
His body
Uma: mal are you alright
Mal: my ears hurt other than
That i'm fine I guess
Cj: you sure
Mal nodded
Snow: that was something
Regina: please don't mention
Red queen's name again
Cj: ok
Maleficent: I think everyone
Needs to go home after
What just happened
Killen: I agree
Evie: before we go home snow
Snow: yes
Evie walked up to snow white
And bitch slapped her
Snow: why did you do that
Evie: because you took us away
From our parents
Jay: do you want to know what
Happened on the isle
Harriet: can we not talk about
It right now
Mal: yes let's not
Lily: fine with us
Maleficent picked mal
Up bridal style from
The ground
Maleficent: well see you guys
Lauryn: bye guys
Maleficent magic herself
Lily and Mal home

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