part 30

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Mal was in her room on the bed crying
in uma's arms while the rest of the gang
was planing on ways to get back at evie,
jay and something little for carlos since
he apologize then there was a knock on
the door
Sierra: come in
Maleficent: hey kids
Uma: hey
Killain: are guys ok
Harriet: we will be
Cj: when we get revenge
Ursula: getting revenge doesn't make
a difference in the situation
Lauryn: but it will make us feel a lot better
Maleficent: but will it get rid of the pain
Uma: no but what else there
Killain: forgiveness
Harry: in this situation there is no such thing
Ursula: try to
Mal: i'm so dumb to believe they actually
care about me just like i was with the women who raised me
Maleficent walked over to the bed and
sat down next mal then pulled her out of uma's arm and onto her lap
Maleficent: no your not baby
Mal: yes i am
Maleficent: no your not you believe in
people that's it
Uma: yea mal your not dumb you just see the good in people
Mal: yea but i was raised to not believe in people and yet i did
Maleficent: and i'm proud of you for it... are you tired
(mal nodded)
Killain: ok we'll leave you to sleep come on kids
Cj: wait dad could we spend the night we don't think
it would be right to leave mal after what happen
Killain: is it alright maleficent
Maleficent: sure
Ursula: i'm guessing the three of you feel the same way
Sierra: we do
Ursula: maleficent
Maleficent: they can stay
Ursula: ok we'll pick them up in the
Maleficent: ok good night guys
Killain and Ursula: good night be good kids
Harriet, Harry and Cj: we will
Sierra, Lauryn and Uma: we will
(with that Killain and Ursula left)
Maleficent: why don't you guys rest while
I put her in the bed
Uma: ok guys come on
(the six of them left them left the room and went into
another room)
Harry: i'm going to kill the three of them
Sierra: We will get our revenge on them except
for carlos he apologized
Harriet: carlos will get a small amount though
Lauryn: they will need to watch their back
Cj: they will pay for what they did
Uma: it will hurt slowly and painfully
Harriet: we need a plan for each of them
Uma: cj me and you got evie
Uma: lauryn and harry you two got jay
Harry: easy enough
Uma: Sierra and Harriet you got carlos to deal with
Harriet: ok
(Maleficent then walked through the door)
Maleficent: ok kids she's asleep... what is going
on here
Sierra: nothing
Maleficent: so why don't i believe that
Uma: um we were just talking
Maleficent: about
Uma: um life
Maleficent: I still don't believe that
Sierra: really we were
Maleficent: ok whatever you say
Harry: so I'm you were saying
Maleficent: right as I was saying
you guys can sleep in here there's
plenty of room and yeah i'll talk
to y'all in the morning ok
Lauryn: ok goodnight
( Maleficent then walked out and
went to her room)
Harriet: ok guys lets get some rest and then
tomorrow the fun begins
(the rest pirate gang nodded)
Uma: um guys i'm going to check on mal
i know maleficent said that she's asleep
Sierra: go sis we understand
(uma nodded and said goodnight then walked
to mal's room and went in)
Uma: mal you faking love
Mal: yeah
Uma: want to stay in here the rest of the night
Mal: please
Uma: ok
(since uma was already in her pj's she climbed
into the bed with mal and just held her)
Mal: uma
Uma: yeah
Mal: why did they do this to me I never break
like this before and it scares me
Uma: I don't know dragon but I promise you
they will pay for it
Mal: uma don't do anything stupid
Uma: I won't know get some rest you need it
Mal: ok and uma thank you for staying
Uma: anything for you my love
(mal smiled then drifted off into sleep and so
did uma well except for the smiling part)

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