part 19

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Mal phone range
Mal: hello
Unknown: hello mally
Mal: hello zevon
Zevon: did you change your mind
Mal: you ask me this every 2 years
And I always say no and i'm still
Saying it
Zevon: oh but you will after I say this
Mal: and what are you going to say
Zevon: well it's quite easy if you ask me
Mal: what zevon
Zevon: you break up with uma
And no one you love gets hurt
Mal: what
Zevon: you heard me
Mal: zevon where are you
Zevon: in storybrook
Mal: so let me get this straight you
Want me to break up with uma then
Be with you and if I don't everyone I
Love including my girlfriend gets hurt
Am I right
Zevon: yes you are
Mal: I really want to say no
Zevon: well it seems you have no
Chose but to say yes
Mal: fine zevon
Zevon: goodbye mally
Mal: bye and please stop calling me
Mal hung up
Lily: hey mom asked if you were
Mal: yeah i'm um going
To bed
Lily: ok goodnight mal
Lily hugged mal and then left
And mal drifted off to sleep

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