part 14

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Mal woke up
And saw her
Grandma in front
Of her and she backed
Away from her
Grandma: aw mal look much
You have grown
Mal: leave me alone lady
Grandma: well look at you
It seem over the years I have
Been gone you have gotten
Brave well it look like I have
To break you again
Mal grandma grabbed her hair
Mal: ow stop please let go of my
Grandma: no now let's begin
What shall we do my dear daughter
Mal: what
Grandma: oh right I forgot
Maleficent come here
Maleficent: yes
Mal: mommy
Maleficent: mallory
Mal's grandma let go
Of mal hair mal ran
To her mom
Mal: mom I missed you
Maleficent: mal you are such
A disappointment
Mal step back
Mal: what
Maleficent: you heard me
Maleficent took her staff and
Hit mal left arm
With uma, Lauryn and Sierra
Ursula: wake up disappointments
Uma: mom
Lauryn and Sierra: what do you want
Ursula: well I came for all three of
You because when I rule the world
You three will become my pets
Just like my electric eels
Uma: I don't to be electric
Eels and I know my sisters
Don't want to either
Sierra: she got that right
Ursula: well then looks like
You three need a lesson that
Way you don't forget who
Is in charge
Ursula walks up to uma
And grabbed her hair
And noticed something
different it smelled like
Ursula: seems you got the
Smell out of your hair well
Your hair is to long I'll
Take care of that
Uma: no
But Ursula was stronger
Then her and she cut uma
Hair then she took uma
To the bathroom and threw
Her in the tub and the water
Was boiling hot uma screamed
And kept pulling her in and out
The water until she couldn't move
Ursula pulled Uma out and
dropped her on the floor
Uma: why do you not love
Ursula: because your weak and
Ursula grabbed uma by the arm
And took her to her sisters
Lauryn and Sierra looked at
Uma and ran to her
Sierra: what did you do to her
Ursula grabbed Lauryn and Sierra
With her tentacle and squeeze them
Until they begged  her to stop
She let them go Lauryn and Sierra
Dropped to their knees breathing
Ursula dragged them until they reached
The dungeon and threw them in there
The locked them in
Mal: uma is that you
Uma: MAL sweetheart
What happened to you
Mal: my grandmother and
Mother I thought my mom
Loved me I was a fool
Uma: no you weren't
I'm the worst girlfriend
I can't even protect you
Sierra: don't say that plus
Where is Harriet
Harriet: right here along
With everyone else except for
Evie, Jay and Carlos
Lauryn: are you guys
Harriet: we are but not mal
Uma: what do you mean
Cj: well she was hit by both
Her grandmother and mother
And both have hits are really
Uma: my poor baby
Uma put mal on her
Lap and held her while
Mal was asleep
With Maleficent,Ursula,Cruella,Regina,
Killain,Emma,charming and Henry
Regina opens a portal to
Where the children are
Which happens to be
Regina: why wonderland
Just why
Emma: what is wrong with
Maleficent: Regina mother is
The red queen and plus Regina
Really hates her mom
Cruella: let's go already
They all went through
Cruella: ok so who
Do we go after first
Regina: Carlos
The gang nodded
Emma: who is Carlos
Cruella: my son
Cruella handed Carlos
Jacket to Regina did the
Locating spell it sent them to
Carlos which at closet
Regina: he should right here
That's is when they heard a
Whimpers and open the closet
And saw Carlos leg trapped in
A bear trap and got his leg
Free from the trap
Cruella: Carlos are you alright
Carlos: my leg hurts
Cruella: it's ok
Cruella helped him up
And help him stand
Cruella: CARLOS
Carlos looked like he
Saw a ghost
Carlos: I am so dead
The other version of Cruella
Came into the room and
Carlos: hey what do you
Need me to wash your car or
Touch up your roots
Cruella: who are you
And why do you have
My son
Cruella: Maleficent do you
Maleficent nodded and took
Cruella walked up to her
Other version of herself
Bitch slapped her then
Turned her into a puppy
The chamings Emma and
Henry where shocked
Regina: ok next Evie and Jay
Carlos: I know where they
Regina: where
Carlos: in the dungeon
Regina: what
Carlos: yup
Maleficent: ok let's go
Carlos used his magic
To teleport everyone to
The dungeon
Emma: you have magic
Carlos: yes one of few that
Has magic
Regina: Evie Jay
Evie: mom
Henry: what
Regina: where is Jay
Evie: sleeping he was
Up all night screaming
I got no sleep
Regina: ok wake him up
Evie nodded
And use magic to wake him
Up he shot up
Jay: really evie
Evie: yeah come on
We get to leave
Jay: finally kick the
The cell door
Evie: fine stand back please
They stand back and Evie
Kicked the door open
Regina: wow ok next
Maleficent: mallory
Emma: who
Maleficent: my daughter
Evie: if we find Mallory
We find the other lucky
I got my mirror
Evie pulled out her
Magic mirror
Emma: is know the time to
Check how you look
Evie rolled her eyes
Evie: mirror mirror in my
Hand where is Mallory in this
Land at there you are in the
Red queen' s caslt ok
Regina: well I have to deal
with mother again let's go

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