Part 28

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Regina: you guys are crazy
Mal: yes we know
Uma: and we love it don't we
Cj: yes we do
As she wrapped her arms around
lauryn and kissed her neck
Lauryn: baby stop
Harriet: she's not going to stop
Sierra: I think she knows that
Killain: ok cj stop kissing the girl
Ursula: exactly stop
Maleficent: y'all don't need this
crazy in your life
Harry: yes we do if didn't we
wasn't we wouldn't be interesting
Emma: I would highly doubt
Mal: really
Snow: yes really
Henry: so why you two getting
Mal: none of your f**k business
Everyone: LANGUAGE 
Uma: say one more cuss word
Mal: bloody hell
Mal: yes
Uma whispers something in mal
ear and mal eyes widen
Mal: she deserved it
Uma: she was 6
Mal looked away
Evie: what
Uma and mal: nothing
Evie nodded
Henry: so why are you  getting married
Uma: because we were supposed to
be married a year ago
Maleficent and Ursula: WHAT
Mal: yup but some people decided
to ruin the wedding
Jay: we didn't want them
to get married
Evie: the three of us don't really
like them
Carlos: mal was our friend they
Ursula: that doesn't mean she can't
have other than you
Evie: you don't get it they actually
almost killed us all three of us
Regina: and what did mal do
Jay: she just sat there and watch
Maleficent: so why are you, friends
with her
Mal: MOM
Maleficent: quiet
Cruella: that's a good question
Carlos: she kept us safe
Mal: that's the only reason
Mal said with tears in her eyes
Uma: wow guys really
Maleficent: so you three
were just using her
Jay: yeah
Mal: ok any last words guys
Evie, Jay, and Carlos: help
Harry: no
Mal glowed dangerous red

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