part 3

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Evie:Ben what are you doing here
Ben:I came to bring you back I love
You Evie I'm sorry for what I said
Evie:I'm sorry Ben but I can't auradon is
Better without
Ben:ok bye
Jay:where she
Ben:she not coming
Carlos:what Evie come on please
Evie:go away
Jay: Ben Ben
Carlos: Ben don't scare us like that
Harry:don't scare you but that's my specialty
Jay:Harry what did you do with ben
Harry:oh yeah we got him uma said that
Evie comes to the chip shop alone if she
Want the alive.
Evie:if you guys never would have bought him
Here this never would have happened what
Were you thinking
Jay:he would have came with or without
Us we just wanted to protect him
Carlos: and we failed
Evie: I don't care I'll be back just wait
Mal:when Evie gets here don't tell
Her i'm here love ok
Uma:alright but show yourself soon
To to the ship
Evie:I'm back
Uma: loser party of one please have a seat
Evie: what do want Uma
Uma: let's make a deal
Evie: just like a mother always a catch
Uma: if you win Ben is free to go
Evie: game on
Uma: don't you want to what I if I win
Evie: still dreaming
Uma: that's what your mother thought how
Did that work out
Evie:on 3
Evie and Uma:3
Uma:that whole princess ugh never
Bought it for a second you can stick
A tiara on a villain but your still
A villain
Evie:and can flap a pirate bay on but your
Still shrimpy
Uma:if I win you bring me the wand haha now
Bring the at midnight and don't tell anyone
Or else Ben fish bait
Jay:we can't give uma the wand
Carlos:but we can't let Ben die
Evie:your 3d printer make a wand
(Time skip)
Lonnie:I made bring me
Evie:welcome to the isle let me see wow
What a beauty let's go
Gil:hey guy they're here

*Pretend Mal isn't there*
Uma:hold up give it a drive first
Evie:drama queen
Uma nothing too big or Ben fish bait
Evie:although it may seem observe turn
Your bark into a word talk dog
Dude:Carlos love Jane
Uma:give me the wand
Evie:give me Ben
Harry:I never get to have any fun
Uma:by the power of the sea tear it
Down and set us free no you do not
Get to win every time.
Cj:hi Jay
Cj:let's play
Sierra:come on Carlos let's have some fun
Uma: Evie is mine
Evie:goodbye Uma
Uma:move out of my way
Ben:I'm glad your ok
Evie:yeah me to
Ben:do you want to cancel
Jane:I can come back other time
Ben:no she's ok
Jay:we all need to talk like right now
Evie: I can't keep acting guys
Carlos:then don't listen Evie your
Wonderful and smart if he doesn't
Realize that he's not worth it ok
Evie: thanks c
Jay: come to the celebration of
You can't stand another day here
I'll drive you back myself
Evie nodded
Lumire:the future lady Evie
Belle:I'm so glad your with Ben
He is so happy to be with you
Beast:good luck
Lumire:king Benjamin
Ben:Evie I'll explain later
Uma:thank you Evie if I never
Would have met Ben I never would
Have felt love
Evie:Ben did you go back
For her
Uma:he didn't have I swam though
The barrier before it closed
Jay:let's go
Jane:show them the gift they need to see it
Lumire:and now showing the gift from the
King to his lady
Lonnie:he loves you Evie
Always have

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