part 17

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Mal: you think
Uma: ok we will continue
This but first can please
Get out of realm
Mal: of course wait a minute
Mal necklace glowed electric blue
And creates portal that will send
Them back to storybrook
Mal:, they're we go one way to
Storybrook ha I'm better then
You guys
Uma and Sierra: show off
Mal: what
They all walked through the portal
Mal: finally home
Evie: you must really miss storybrook
Because of I remember you complain
How everything was here when you
First got here
Mal: shut up Heavenly
Evie: not until you do
Maleficent: ok cool it girls
Promise: you guys want to
know what I like most about
Mom and aunt Evie
Lonnie: what
Promise: they are always
fighting it's funny
Uma: and why is that
Delia: because If one time mom
Colored aunt Evie hair green and
Blonde in her sleep because aunt Evie
Ate one of mom's strawberries and
Mom keeps count mom had 1,000
Strawberries but when she woke up
She had 999
Uma: wow
Mal: your telling me
But I would have
Dyed her hair black
Instead of green and
Evie: hey
Regina: you two
Are something that's
All I know
Mal: yeah we know by the way
Who is she and why did you bring
The charmings
Maleficent: that would be Emma she
Is the charmings daughter and they
Came to see why we went to the enchanted
Mal: good to know and see you later
Mal ran like really fast and she was in
Uma: man now got to find her
Then chase her why just why
Emma: she real fast
Maleficent: yup
Sierra: do you hear something
Uma: yeah sounds like Mal's voice
Mal: up here
Uma: Mal come down
Mal: no
Uma: ace of spades
Mal: ok
Mal stands up on the ledge of
The pawn shop and jump down
Mal: happy
Uma: yes I am
Know don't run away
Mal: I really don't want to
Be here with them
Uma: you have to be
I'm not giving you a choice
Mal: no offence Regina, Lonnie,
Evie, Jay, Carlos, and Jane but I
Hate hero's for the right reasons
Evie: and what are they
Mal: not talking about it
Here in the open
Regina: well then let's go
To my house and talk about it
Mal: huh well since you put
It that way
Mal tried to run but
Maleficent grabbed her
Mal: well I almost got away
Maleficent: yeah almost sugar
Uma: listen mal you can just go
With us and I could look in your
Mal: alright

Descendants 2 twist and Once Upon A Time crossoverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon