Chapter 6

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My watch went off, it was time to feed puppy. I made him an extra serving of baked veggies and a protein shake so he wouldn't feel too weak. I was heading down and remembered to lock the door this time. I walked in slowly and he was playing the gameboy.

"Hey honey, are you feeling okay? I'm so sorry about last night"

"I'm just hungry, can I please have food" he begged

I set the plate in his cage and gave him the protein shake.

"Eat up okay? We can talk if you want to"

"How was your date" he asked while chewing

"Oh she's sleeping upstairs... she almost saw you last night. I got so scared for your safety, baby"

He pressed his face against the glass pane

"Thank you for caring about me... you've been so nice to me and you always treat me so well, and just.."

He began crying and smudging the mirror with snot. I immediately walked in to comfort him. He climbed onto my leg and wiped his tears on me. I played with his hair while holding him gently.

"You're okay puppy, master is always going to take good care of you"

"Really?" he sniffled

"Yes, I pressed a kiss on his forehead" I stayed with him a few more minutes before taking him out to piss.

"I'll be back in a few pup, and I'm going to bathe you tonight" He just nodded

I walked out and locked the door behind me. I felt so gross with all of his snot and tears on my pants. It was so messy, but I suppose I did make him happy. Is it bad that I didn't really care for him? I mean he was basically livestock. Whatever that's a thought for another day, I went up stairs and heard chatter coming from my room.

"You're such a little cutie" said a high pitched voice

I walked in and saw that it was Savanna with Whiskers on her lap.

"You're so soft and fluffy, HOW COME I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE HERE"

"I see you've met Whiskers" I blurted

Her eyes had widened when she looked at me.

"OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY!! What even happened last night?"

"Well you got a bit tipsy, and uh came onto me a bit. I didn't mind, but I wasn't about to do anything while you were drunk so I rejected your offer. I guess it upset you and you said you were going to leave, but you stumbled over yourself and passed out. You hit your head pretty hard on the coffee table"

"Oh my god. Santi I AM SO SO SORRY" she got up really quick and came to me, but before doing so she stumbled and I caught her before she "fell" again

"Hey hey, are you okay? Let's get you somewhere comfy. Here sit over there" I said

She walked over a bit sluggishly.

"I bet you must have a bad headache darling, take some of these pills. You'll feel better, I promise"

I handed her the medicine and gave her some water

"When you feel better come on down to the kitchen, I'll have a meal prepped for you, okay?" I kissed her forehead and as I began my trip to the kitchen.

"Hey wait, thank you for this. I appreciate it so much! You have NO IDEA! especially after last night. I'm sorry if I snapped on you too.. you didn't deserve it"

"Don't worry cutie, just sit tight and come when you feel better" I reassured her. She simply nodded.

I made my way to the kitchen and began cooking. I began heating up the kettle for the coffee. I enjoyed cooking, especially if it was for company or my pets. I had made some fried rice with tofu. I'm not gonna lie it looked really good.

Eventually I saw a head peaking around the corner

"Hey you feeling better?"

"Yeah a lot better"

"Take a seat.. I'll serve you some food"

Before finally sitting down and having breakfast with her... well more like brunch, I brought out some salad from before. Just in case she wanted some.

"Hey dude, this is actually really good? Are you a secret chef?"

"Actually I'm not I've just had to practice a lot, because making vegan food taste good can be difficult sometimes"

"THIS IS VEGAN? You're VEGAN?? I would have never guessed honestly. It's just so good"

We kept eating and we were almost finished. It was quiet, but I didn't mind.

"Do you want some more coffee?"

"Yeah of course"

I got up to serve her again, it wasn't as hot but it was still warm

"You know I had the weirdest dream"

"Yeah? Wanna tell me about it" I was curious

"Well I was walking around looking for you and we were in a two story house I guess, someone must have broken in because they assaulted me with a wooden stick and then I woke up"

"Oh my goodness what a weird dream" I said nervously

"Yeah it was VERY weird" she stared me down

"I'll be right back I have to go to the restroom"

I quickly walked and splashed water on my face to make sure I wasn't stress dreaming. I was awake.. was she onto me?? OR DID SHE REMEMBER FUCK! I stayed in the restroom for a while, I was so fucking scared.

I was getting nervous again and began to overthink. What if she says something? WHAT IF SHE STOPS TALKING TO ME COMPLETELY. She can't leave this house FUCK!

I stepped out of the restroom to go talk to her, and the basement door was open. I froze in place, FUCK. I quickly patted my thighs feeling for my keys.. I MUST'VE LEFT THEM ON THE TABLE SHIT! What am I going to do?? So many thoughts were filling my head, I quickly went to the kitchen to get a knife. I headed down the stairs slowly looking for her figure and I realized that she had opened puppy's room SHIT SHIT.

At this point I knew what I had to do, she was super sweet with me this past week. I didn't want to, but I had no choice.

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