Chapter 4

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I felt so groggy when I woke up, and my bones felt super stiff. I always dreaded mornings for this reason, they never were good on me. Then I remembered, I had a date today. SAVANNA IS COMING TODAY. I immediately sprung up from my bed, forgetting the stiffness of my bones and nearly fell to the ground. Luckily the wall caught me.

I immediately rushed out of my room, into the restroom to make myself look presentable. As soon as I was done showering I went to go shave again. I pulled out a new blade and lathered some shaving cream on my face, before grazing my stubble over and over again with precision. After that I moisturized.. that's what this list was telling me to do, I don't really know how to take care of myself, yet I'm taking care of a cat and dog. I can't believe it.

I made myself a quick breakfast, and made pup some pancakes. As soon as I was finished eating I hurried down to see him, he was still sleeping.

"Hey puppy! Wake up! it's time for your bathroom break" he opened his eyes slowly and looked startled. I guess he wasn't used to waking up here yet. He moved toward the door of the cage, but he hesitated to look up at me.

"Are you ready?" I asked while unlocking the door. I reached for his leash and attached it to his collar. He just stood there, so I had to basically pull him out!

"Also you need a bath, you stink.. but we'll do it some other day, I have company later" he looked at me confused

"Owner's got a date"

"A date??" He questioned

"You're not jealous are you? I'll still give you attention honey don't worry"

He just growled. It was a bit cute that he was getting attached to me, but I mustn't get attached to him. It would be unfortunate for both of us, plus I could never trust him.

I ruffled his head after his break and gave him the pancakes, which he gulped down. As soon as he was done eating I had to take some of his blood samples so I could make sure that none of my work was going to waste.

"C'mere pup, I'm going to prick your finger for a blood sample, I have to make sure that you're healthy"

He complied. Sometimes it made me a bit sad how naive they were, but I really couldn't help doing what I do. I collected the sample in a glass slide and tucked it away into my medical kit.

"You're so good for me, keep it up and I'll give you more privileges" they were always so easy to bribe.

I hurried upstairs to feed whiskers, and cleaned the litter box so it wouldn't smell. As soon as I was done with that I dusted myself lightly and sat on the couch, I realized I hadn't gotten anything ready. I quickly made my way to the refrigerator where the drinks were. I brought out two glasses, ones that have never seen the light of day and put the drinks on the coffee table. After that I opened up the snacks. I glared over to the clock on the stove.


Okay.. one hour, that's a good time. I went to the restroom to brush my teeth again even though my breath was just fine. I waited on the couch for what felt like an hour. I glanced back at the clock.


I watched as the green digital numbers blinked on the screen. I was becoming much more anxious, when it hit me that I haven't really had company over since 6 years, this is the first time in a while that someone other than me is seeing what my house is like.

I was far too anxious to be upstairs so I went back to the basement to see how puppy was. I quickly jiggled my key into the lock and opened the door. He was sleeping but at this point I needed this to be able to calm down. I sat in the chair next to his cage and focused on his breathing. It took me a while but I managed to lower my heart rate. I looked at him once more and left the room. I made sure to lock it before anything else. I made my way upstairs and tried not to look at the clock, but my eyes were still pulled into the view.


I immediately went to go check my phone for any messages and saw nothing. I sat down once again and my thoughts were beginning to overpower my senses pretty quickly. I had to focus on my breathing when suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I got up immediately and looked through the window. It was her. I hurried to the door and opened it.

"Hi Savanna!!" I choked on my words from excited. I held my hand out.

"Stop being so courteous" she smacked my hand away "you've sent me videos while shitting"

My face started heating up at remembering that.

"Ahhh okay well take a seat! Make yourself at home. The bathroom is at the corner to the right"

I quickly went into the kitchen for grab us some water bottles just in case the drinks were too much.

"where did you say the bathroom was?"

"To the right!!" I yelled from the kitchen. I walked back into the living room and saw her struggling to open the basement door.


"Ohhhhh I'm dumb, I'll be right back I need to fix my make up"

Jesus. I let out a deep sigh. My heart had never beat so fast. I began sweating. That was so close. FUCK! I quickly made my way to the basement door to make sure it was locked. It wasn't... it was jammed THANKFULLY. I immediately locked it up and sat down in relief. That was really close. I sat on the couch while surfing for movies on Netflix. I saw her as she walked out of the bathroom, she looked gorgeous. I created a whole movie scene in my head with a spot light. It was in slow motion too. She was so pretty, and even prettier in person.

"So what're we watching"

"huh" I wasn't paying attention

"Yeah? What are we watching, I have some really good ideas"

I handed her the remote.

"Go for it, I'm not the best at choosing anyways"

She took the remote and smiled


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